Trannies discuss how based they thought /r/FemaleDatingStrategy was (until they realized it bans them)

1  2020-03-22 by UnalignedRando


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  1. Trannies discuss how based they tho... -,

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How come trannies are always right and everyone else is hateful and deranged?? 🤔 Can anyone explain how this is always the case

Now wait, they didn't think it was hateful until they got banned.

Well Baphomet is a tranny. Satan is a tranny. Suck Satan's cock like Bill Hicks said you should.


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It’s funny watching redditors pretend that FDS is bad because they’re terfs, not just because they’re insane w*men.

People going off on how bad society is who casually throw in there, "also men pretend to be women to rape lesbians." It's WGTOW and it leads straight to transphobia

Sweaty, there's nothing wrong with being a femcel, stay on that queen shit 💅👑

Transphobia?? This is unacceptable, what would normal people think about this hate??

It’s funnier watching trannies pretend they don’t imagine violently ending every person who irritates them.

Maybe they think that’s not normal for dudes and they don’t want to be found out.