PSA : Being a terf isnt vegan. A lesbian not wanting meat inside her isn't vegan.

1  2020-03-22 by UnalignedRando


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Love all tranimals

fuck you karen. if you cared so fucking much why didnt you speak up when it was happening? fuck this finger wagging bull shit. and fuck you for implying that only new witches would want to do something like this. theres always a downside to weather magic but im NOT gunna hesitate to help when people and animals are fucking DIEING.


  1. PSA : Being a terf isnt vegan. A le... -,

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Since when am i supposed to consider that a guy dressed as a girl is a real girl ?

Since you're a vegan 🤢

late 2015 ish when the progressive momentum went from gay to trannies.

When you’re an atheist but you’re more religious than most religious people

Yup, it’s Vegan time

Looks like /r/vegan is going the way of Atheism+, trying to make it stand for every unrelated leftist/progressive cause all at once.

Their top rated post of the year (and the third most upvoted of all time) is just blatant corporate shilling for beyond burgers. Of course it is.

Atheism+ was a dark fucking stain. I cant tell people that I am anymore without them thinking I'm some limp wristed , Rick & Morty watching, cuck enabling, emasculated simp.

  1. This vegan sub makes it a point to shill for trannies
  2. Vegans advocate for animals
  3. Trannies are animals


lesbians arent real

just dump the entire alphabet soup into the toilet imo


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Too many of them would enjoy it.

Im kinda glad theres a plague after reading sll of that .

Hmmm wow a group known for political and moral posturing makes a dumb fucking post about political and moral posturing hmm yes very interesting

Trans rights are human rights and human rights are animal rights. The number of people in this thread who think it's okay to fight against the rights of certain animals is sad and y'all ain't really vegan. Gonna go a step further and say that any good vegan is also a leftist so fuck all of you "vegans" who think capitalism is good because it personally benefits you or whatever

New snappy quote please

Man I hate troomers.

Just lol at Trans shit infecting every leftist and liberal hobby, alienating masses of people.

Is there anything men won't take over?

Holy shit, there is NO end to the narcissism of trannies

They will shit up EVERY and all places they get their filthy predatory hands on

Absolutely baffling

It's not bigotry if they objectively are lower moral beings!

Oh honey no

"I'm not a racist because those people aren't human"