Australia will shut down all non-essential services over 48 hours. So should bottle shops stay open?

1  2020-03-22 by thowaway_throwaway


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Wow, that place is awful! Found them quoting and tagging you there. Also, looks like you responded but they deleted your comments? Seriously, ignore that place. It looks like they just enjoy dumping on things that people enjoy, which is all manner of sad...

Honestly I had no idea that sub existed, apparently neither did she. Then they tagged her over there and... lolcow? Is a thing. It's a person they "milk for lols"; don't ask...

It is way, way, way more toxic than her edit. I think she just edited her post to address her own confusion as to why a group of emotionally stunted folks would do that... but, hey, it's the internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  1. Australia will shut down all non-es... -,

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Yes they should, there will be riots otherwise

Let's consider the whole picture. Close those places and you'll have more people dying in riots, and also from withdrawal, than from coronavirus.

I've never heard liquor stores reffered to as bottle shops.

Anything could go inside a bottle... like milk for example.

Canada got around this by allowing all liquor stores to use a delivery service. People are trapped in confined spaces for long periods of time with their families, it's an essential service.