Obviously sane man is on the lamb from the Mauritanian Government.

1  2020-03-23 by TotallynotBobSaget


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. Obviously sane man is on the lamb f... - archive.org, archive.today

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I think this is the first time I’ve thought about Mauritania since having to label it on a map in 9th grade.

and he's not even talking about Mauritania, it's about Mauritius

[–]boogadaboogadabooga [score hidden] 6 hours ago


[–]THROWAWAYTHEPPL [score hidden] 6 hours ago

Let me rephrase that. ACAFFA!!!!!


Scitzo gunna scitz

Usually you have to pay the government to get you addicted to crack