orang man based?

1  2020-03-23 by bdmabeats


Daddy gets me all hot and bothered

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Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.


  1. orang man based? - archive.org, archive.today

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Daddy how do we re-open my local liquor store I need help

My state declared liquor stores essential

This but unironically

Liquor is essential

Lmao you must be somewhere super liberal. Imagine not being able to get liquor now

ok let's get this started. ama

How much bussy do you have a day?

If a boomer coooooms in a zoomer will they create a brazzers?


Was it 4D chess all along or are you just (((retarded)))?

what are your contingency plans for when Barron grows too large to fit into the white house?

Upgrade the White House to a castle

What are you obliged to do when you visit the greatest allies ?

is it better to call it the wu flu or the boomer remover?

why is it taking so long to make anime real?

Thanks Trump, very cool!

Advice on owning the libs?

Go to Whole Foods and cough loudly.

Thanks daddy 🥰

I'm so fucking proud of this community