pornstar seethes after taking the most basic bait in the book

1  2020-03-23 by CadoganWest


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Over 5000 years we've had whores, and not once have they been respected for being whores. They will not be respected for another 5000. Simps don't count.

Oh nooo you can't just dry up the gusserinos


This foid will be guzzling SSRIs, chasing with box wine, within the decade. The morning will be good.

ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. pornstar seethes after taking the m... -,

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"Nothing and I repeat NOTHINGGG makes my pussy dry up faster than these type of comments
Makes me wanna find this guys dad and fuck him in front of him leave my family out ur mouth and I’ll leave urs outta mine "

publisher: @KSLibraryGirl

links in tweet:

It's funny because he was calling her a whore and her response was to show she was a whore.

With that response you didn’t degrade him as a person you addressed the comment at hand. Love it. We need more approaches like this

It's about ethics in putting down trolls in porn video comment sections.

She seems to think you can threaten someone with a good time.

She totally sucked his dick after seeing that tweet.

You're just jelly you don't have so many fans as her. Those fans might be coombrained simps, but at least they exist and you just stay an unremarkable internet troll everyone forgets. When was the last time anyone told you, they love you? She is just a low-value whore, yet she gets those "love you"s every day, and sure she gets it from virgins who never gonna touch a woman their entire life other then their own mothers. But she is gonna be remembered for centuries to come, and you're gonna be just another nobody, and the only trace you every existed will stay in long forgotten databases noone's gonna open.

I just realised that 500 years from now people are probably still going to jack off to "vintage" pornstars like her. Being a porn actress ensures your degradation on camera will be jacked off to for eternity beyond your death. (realistically, until industrial society collapses)

That is your legacy and you can never take it back. oof

based simp sympathiser i rate it 5/7

simps are still not people tho

i think the term ur looking for is simp-athizer

I can't read anything more than 5 words long

Top tier baiting 👌👌

That's a lot of words to say you don't fuck

She should have just said “Yours too 😊”

Unironically she tried to, but what came out was WORDS WORDS WORDS

Look at all those thirsty slobs on the thread. Like she's going to blow them for following her on Twitter.

Yes. I thought the amount of simps to be very problematic.

This is very unsettling

makes my pussy dry up

Is this supposed to be some powerful insult? What do we call female cumbrains?



Look at all those people simping to a whore, makes you wish we had those right wing death squads we were promised

She's totally not mad

So what she is saying is if I say shit about her family she will fuck my dad for free. I'd want her to get tested first but besides that I really don't see a downside and my dad could stand to get laid.