Is this, dare I say, /ourvirus/?

1  2020-03-23 by Tycoronachan


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Women are unable to go 5 minutes without talking about themselves.

I fully expect to see a spike in female suicides in the West once quaratine hits week 3.

Women should be automatically diagnosed with narcissism until proven otherwise.

school closures and household isolation are moving the work of caring for children from the paid economy—nurseries, schools, babysitters—to the unpaid one

"you mean if i have a child, i have to ackshually raise amd care for it?? "

A couple days ago someone posted an article saying that the virus is much more deadly for men and I asked how long it would take women to make it about them. I guess we’ve found out.

Good job on comparing your """"1st world country"""" to African countries

i sleep 😴😴😴


  1. Is this, dare I say, /ourvirus/? -,*

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Feminism is based because it shits all over the moid menace

Correct except in reverse

Menace moid the overall shits it because based is feminism

No one should be nostalgic for the “1950s ideal” of Dad returning to a freshly baked dinner and freshly washed children, when so many families were excluded from it, even then.

Wrong. Stay mad uggos and poors.

Single wine mom on tinder with furbabies COPE

Some people are just all about money, aren’t they?

Lol, extinction-level asteroid hits the Earth:

"How does this affect women more, and how are men ultimately to blame for it?"

how tf these niggas need so much. social interaction if I went full isolationist Tedmode for a year I'd probably have less mental illnesses at the end of it than when I started. These bitches really out there getting panic attacks from missing out on cock for a werkend smh

Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely

In conclusion Corona is worse for women than men

Top of the morning to you