
1  2020-03-23 by Gaswash


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I wonder if he gets to eat his wifes boyfriends cum after class?

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. Lol -,

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Why doesn’t he just play with the volume off?

Controllers make a lot of noise (you can hear them clearer if you remove the sound from the TV). Also in my case if I'm playing online there's going to be a lot of gamer words being shouted loudly.

Or wait until she’s done. How badly do you need to play Destiny that you set up some dumb shit like this

20 bucks says the golden retriever still wanders the house freely