It's the orange retard's fault two people drank fish tank cleaner apparently. Hyper-partisan victims of head trauma weigh in.

1  2020-03-24 by NMJ87


Lets be honest it's a miracle that this hasn't killed millions of Trump supporters by now

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Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of autists you manage to be the most severely autistic. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course retardation.


  1. It's the orange retard's fault two ... -,

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Unironic insanity - such extreme hyperbole that it might actually be lethal to read:

This is the worst thing I have seen on this entire fucking website, this is actually driving me insane to read. Just fucking burn all of it and all of them, immediately please. Jesus christ.

You ain't alone kiddo

Keep in mind though they're probably very young and they're probably not very normal

I would love to take this thread back to like 2008 and show the people on Reddit what the world is going to look like in 12 years lol

Reddit is filled with autistic social outcasts and literal children who are completely detached from reality

Always keep that in mind

This """"person"""" is allowed to vote, and his vote is worth as much as yours

You mean ya'all not also drinking fish tank clearner?

Lmao hell no nigga. I inject like a boss.

I mix it with bleech first. The stuff you buy on Amazon is not medical grade so you gotta sterilize it first.

This is the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

Like the fucking retard decided to drink the non-medical form of the chemical from a fucking FISH CLEANER.

This is social Darwinism at its finest.

Dawg, I keep finding gems in that thread that blow my mind even further

Each new find gets more hyperbolic, it's AMAZING how dumb it's getting.

Dig this

I think I might be switching parties this November, I can't in good conscience side with these people any more and I wanna see them lose their shit for another 4 years

I don't even like that orange dumbass, but holy moly

I feel the same way. I can’t slide with people who unironically see nothing weird about the president saying some poison is going to cure a pandemic, then his supporters buying Amazons entire stock up. Get ready for a massive Trump supporter self purging.

And the most embarrassing part is you retards actually think you’re fooling anyone by saying “I don’t even like Trump, but I think his latest objective fuck-up makes his political rivals look bad.”

are you having an aneurysm



I think he drank some fish tank chemicals too

the mental gymnastics holy shit.

I think I might be switching parties this November,

Okay incel

Are you switching to the party that drinks fish cleaner or the party that thinks it's the president's fault people drink fish cleaner?

Choose carefully, there's a big difference.

I'm switching to the hot tub party

I don't wanna be with either of these cats, I'll vote for some pedo who doesn't know where Aleppo is

Welcome home, brother. I would unironically vote for McAfee at this point.

Fuck it I'll take him

I'd vote for toaster guy too 👍


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Nigga, I drink cat tranquilizer. Option Orange every day.

I think I might be switching parties this November

Wow I'm shocked, you centrists always shock me

Trump is killing his supporters its great

its like when Gavin Newsom made it legal to forcibly pozz Democrats in the ass

"Trump says H2O is good for you, but people die after drinking H2O2"

Yet dr*mpf keep breathing oxygen, a poisonous gas knows to be found in the lungs of holocaust victims"

How can human beings be this dumb. I just fail to understand it. Who thinks drinking fish tank cleaner is a good idea?

This isn't even the first time for coronavirus already. Someone died after chugging like 98% rubbing alcohol to disinfect the coronavirus. Then someone died from drinking disinfect the coronavirus.

Not gonna lie, those just sound like thinly veiled suicides

Idiots in India licking hand sanitizer lol

Supposedly there’s a bunch of alcohol poisoning deaths in Iran because of the same reasoning, but at least they’re drinking alcohol that’s meant to be drank (I think)

that's Allah's punishment for not listening

Stupid baizuo

Trump supports Darwinism


MAGAcel natural selection at work

That thread is a mixture of actual clinical retards and pharmaceutical shills trying to keep a cheap generic drug from being used for treatment

So is everyone gonna pretend that they don't know fish antibiotics work on humans?

Then you are a retard who should have been aborted by your own parents.

What did you say about my parents?!