How about Machete starring Tranny Trejo. Zhe heroically steals hormones and gives them to illegal immigrants who don't have healthcare, and cuts their dicks off for free.

1  2020-03-24 by BosnianLilB

Tranny Trejo would be incredibly muscular and wear tight muscle shirts and a visible bulge in his pants and make 0 attempt to pass. Xey would hijack a truck carrying a shipment of estrogen, and the driver who normal respects gender pronouns calls zer dude as he hits the ground at full force. So Tranny Trejo beheads him on the side of the road, takes the guys phone out of his pocket and sends a pic to his wife, son, and parents to punish him for misgendering him.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Imagine what your grandmother would think if she saw the shit you were posting. Do you think she would love how you spend your days laughing at the misfortune of others? If you all just applied yourself, maybe, just possibly, one day you will reach the potential that all your elementary school teachers talked about. Until then, keep shitposting your life away, and try to feel secure in the knowledge that at least you don't lose your shit on the internet.


  1. How about Machete starring Tranny T... -,

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muh trannies