Approvedcels SEETHING at deuxrama's superiority

1  2020-03-24 by ProEvilOperations


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Lawlz is too despondent to sticky without my loving eyes there to gently caress every word šŸ˜

Whose the lawz of deux

Based bald dude who posts videos of himself on here

The Bond villain?

The Eastern Euro guy? That guy is super based.


Mister šŸ§ ?

Me, Iā€™m a gay retard NlGGER

in minecraft

Oof yikes unironic incels, now that's a yiking oofer

I remember the old Drama...years ago, dozens of accounts ago...different addresses, three states and a VPN ago...

It used to be full of autistic weirdos and attention whores of all kinds. Now it's just neoliberals who can't stand the far left or even the center right.

lol, what can you do.

It used to be full of autistic weirdos and attention whores of all kinds

it still is, just 100% more autistic and 10000% more attention whoring, mostly by jannies

What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.


  1. Approvedcels SEETHING at deuxrama's... -,

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Tranny shit here folks, nothing to see, move the fuck on!

/r/drama is a kind of vapid, recycled echo chamber. The froth and dregs, but no middle. The same ideas offered up like prayers, in all manner of instances which may in some cases even be unique in their particularities, but usually aren't, and never vary in theme-- -Forever.

It's a beast of emotion executing some algorithm of demented, utterly artificial and totally insincere pseudo-morality which is either the petard upon which it has hoisted itself or otherwise serves as an excuse to spruik inconsequential, meaningless drivel to the end of feeding its insane and profound addiction to a meaningless Fiat: Karma.

I do not think, outside of a very select handful of copypastas, it is good for anybody.



Drama is full of retards blaming the alt-right and left. Its turned into some tranny circlejerk

attention whoring autists seething


My shitposts here are getting serious replies from mentally ill mdefugees and coomerfugees though lately. Getting seething downvotes too.

These niggas no different to AHS

Pink man's got the good opinions.

Deux of hazard