Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.
The average mayo caulk is like 4.5 inches which is twice as long as a yellow moid's so which do you pick: decent intercourse or someone who's good at math?
the new xbox is supposed to come out for christmas. obviously those manufacturing plans will probably be delayed a bit for corona, but why would you buy a new xbox knowing another one will be out in a year or less.
Look at her tweets. She’s a BernieBot that doesn’t stop whining about free stuff. Unsuprisingly her and the people she associates herself with will be terrible with money.
1 AutoModerator 2020-03-25
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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7 WyPippo 2020-03-25
Quit screen posting you filthy pajeet, and how is this even drama?
Link the actual tweet
3 KetamineAddictYoda3 2020-03-25
Idc faggot
2 SnapshillBot 2020-03-25
Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
3 MikeStoklasa-cel 2020-03-25
2 GameUpBoyHustleHardr 2020-03-25
What are the odds the bf is white
Edit: https://twitter.com/filipihna/status/1189752747219968000?s=20
3 Graderthan 2020-03-25
Every time lmfao
2 IncelReadingHour 2020-03-25
azn identity seething right now
2 GameUpBoyHustleHardr 2020-03-25
The azn-age was over before it started
1 wizdumb337 2020-03-25
The average mayo caulk is like 4.5 inches which is twice as long as a yellow moid's so which do you pick: decent intercourse or someone who's good at math?
1 KetamineAddictYoda3 2020-03-25
LOL i thought of this as well and combed her tweets for a few minutes but couldnt find anything
2 iNEEDheplreddit 2020-03-25
And still no one is buying Stadia. Lol
1 knuckledowntown 2020-03-25
Google Glass 2.0
1 SmoothBeetle 2020-03-25
Cmon lads buy a switch instead
4 iNEEDheplreddit 2020-03-25
Jesus Christ. Whtbare we supposed to play on that?Zelda?Do I look like a faggot?
2 PuddingPopGoodnight 2020-03-25
Switch games are ass besides Zelda and Smash, cmv.
1 knuckledowntown 2020-03-25
Switch to deeznutz
1 wizdumb337 2020-03-25
I'm telling ya invest in gaming companies during this pandemic
1 knuckledowntown 2020-03-25
Unironically right. And also companies that have products in the stimulus money price range.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2020-03-25
Not your husband. He can do whatever he wants.
1 liberules 2020-03-25
the new xbox is supposed to come out for christmas. obviously those manufacturing plans will probably be delayed a bit for corona, but why would you buy a new xbox knowing another one will be out in a year or less.
5 KetamineAddictYoda3 2020-03-25
Look at her tweets. She’s a BernieBot that doesn’t stop whining about free stuff. Unsuprisingly her and the people she associates herself with will be terrible with money.