Simps prove that fatties make up 99% of Reddit (sort by controversial)

1  2020-03-26 by GoodOlHammy


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So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!

I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.

For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.

The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.

In conclusion, be happy about your height


  1. Simps prove that fatties make up 99... -,

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Guys this isn't fat.

When you're fat you can either lose weight or take the reddit approach and tell everyone that you're not actually fat.

Also based:

The only place this doesn't count as fat is the U.S.

You're an idiot. She absolutely is not in anyway overweight. You're looking at an average body, an average weight.

You're looking at an average body at an average weight AND she's overweight, because your average person is overweight. Average is not good.

This is average in America? fucking lol

2/3 overweight, half of those are obese.

I don’t know why you’re complaining. That’s a premium Braphog right there!

That ain’t no hog that’s a goddamned SLAMPIG

It's fine, just let the fatties die of cardiovascular disease. Maybe then they'll understand just how "healthy" they are.

Well, they probably still wouldn't but whatever.


Can't even tell if it's the same girl

Lmao this is too easy. Some foid wants attention "look at me literally just being a foid" and the simps have a collective "omg queen😫😫😫" orgasm.

Imagine knowing you have the ability to rally an army of simps with a single shitty selfie, no wonder foids have egos the size of the moon.

74k likes. Jesus fucking christ.

Bruh wtf if foid

its what u use to cover food 🙁🙁🙁 smh

A moids spare rib

Just say male and female nigger

Not dehumanizing enough

Ok Man Ass


You should check out OKBR you'll find a lot of like-minded people

She is an even bigger braphog now than when the after photo was taken and is morbidly obese


Lmao how fitting the landwhale took that pic at the beach

alright fellas post your bellies

I see a recovering tootlet getting ready for my brap barn 😍

Tfw you realize all the political disputes you had with other redd*tors became worthless, as they were probably fat.

Every day I have a moment of shock and disgust at how many people I talk to online are fat and ugly. Uggos and fatties don't deserve rights.

Foids are a caricature of humanity

lmao at all the burgers who can’t tell the difference between fat rolls and abs.

Seriously seeing people call those abs is both pathetic and infuriating.

Haha guys she has a instagram @bodyposipanda, she traded one disorder for another one as someone else said lmao

Ppl saying she’s not fat should look at her IG lol

trans men are real men

it’s okay to gain weight while social distancing

talking about mental illness on social media is brave & important



Still a tootlet smh, put her on my farm and she'll be a proper hog in no time.

Fats gunna fat.

If you have to bend your whole body to stick your ass out to look curvy, you either have no ass or a disgusting cheese curd ass.

Of course she has to be half naked in the after picture.

There usually are negative comments on posts of women’s bodies.

Thank the Gods that posting your fat guts as a moid isn't celebrated yet.

be mentally ill and think you're fat

get rid of illness

go to reddit

everyone is calling you fat

Lmao this chick is gonna develop 10 new disorders