After laughing at the trannies unable to get their dicks cut off right now because of kung flu panic, /r/GenderCritical seethes when they realize that their monthly abortion might be rescheduled

1  2020-03-26 by UnalignedRando


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They're not stupid and we shouldn't assume they are acting in good faith. They know how important abortions are for women's health and autonomy. They're just using this virus as an excuse to control and fuck over women. Undermining women's autonomy is the point. It's not an accidental side effect of protecting fetuses. Making women slaves again. is. the. point. If a few women have to die to get there are always more women.

Sweaty the jews moids are trying to enslave the population... they want complete control over all of us so they use these measures to keep us on a leash... look it up on youtube reddit

I love how they turn into /r/cuntspiracy at the drop of a hat

I love TERFs till I remember that they are feminist retards. They are very based in tranny hate though.

Hospitals in NYC are forcing women to give birth without support partners and making them wear masks while they labor. It’s like something out of the Handmaids Tale.

Wearing masks and social distancing is literal theocracy, apparently.

W*men's rights and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I wish we were living in the universe of the Handmaids Tale.

I say let them catch all the diseases they want. But let them isolate together.


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how dare people try to force women to carry a child that they don’t want just because it’s a pandemic.

They really said this unironically.

Do they think if you actually need to get one to save your own life, you'll actually be turned away at the hospital because 'nope, fuck you, the baby is more important'?

This is your brain on feminism.

Reading foids type is just so grating. All that sub does is whine or demand validation for small acts like asking your male boss to pass you a pen.

I strongly encourage every woman who doesn't want a child to abstain from sex altogether


I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. After laughing at the trannies unab... -,

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Lol thinking about pregnant hoes not being able to get an abortion rn is pure bliss I tell ya

I mean someone's got to ugly laugh today.



Calm down chappie the chapobot

Holy fuck this night be the greatest comment I’ve ever seen

it was pretty funny but you don't have to be a faggot about it

That Florida table is wild

74.8% - no reason

Even then, if you don't want it then put it in foster care

Or fucking eat it.


Why not? We're missing out on a whole generation of strippers.

And I'm willing to bet that those situations would still be prioritized.


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fine... we'll let the rape abortions go through if you agree to stop the other 99.99% of abortions. deal?

Will you agree to welfare for single black women that have 5 kids?

who said we couldnt sterilize them?

You're doing this wrong you have to pretend not to just be a racist.

you're not arguing in your own head anymore bitch


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this is not an either/or. there are other options. for example, instead, make IUDs, the arm stud, or other long term contraceptives a condition of welfare. and crank through to get vasalgel approved for male use, so men getting on welfare are not making the problem worse either. also, replace more of welfare with WIC style limited spending entitlement. it's extremely difficult to abuse WIC. it's extremely easy to abuse welfare.

I'd outlaw sex outside of a church-granted marriage so that there are no single black women with 5 hungry kids

So husband's should have to stay with smelly women that took advantage of them, forever? Nooo thanks. People like you are why white men are mgtow and committing racial suicide by allowing dark skinned people to outbreed them. You white supremacists would actually be pro abortion if you weren't so easily lead by jews that want you to go extinct. Wake up sheeple.

life begins at viability

So nothing would change at all

if there's a constitutional amendment saying life begins at viability, post-viability abortion is over because it's unequivocally homicide.

Right so that wouldn’t reduce the number by much

long game brother. the viability window has rapidly collapsed in the last century. we're talking it was basically viability=birth in early 1900s, and by the 1980s, babies were viable as early as 21 weeks. in 30-50 years, you're going to be seeing viability in single digits.

ya it's not like women lie about rape when it benefits them so that tactic will work superbly.

women never lie about rape.

and to prove it, we'll just deter liars by publicly executing those who get busted lying. we'll use a humane method of execution, like tarring and feathering, followed by quartering by horse.

Are you gonna cry?

gonna piss your pants maybe?

Yes but because its my fetish not because of fear.

Hey, noone said that it's okay to carry out rape babies. I'm pro abortion myself.

But those people don't wanna abort rape babies. They're incompetent and didn't take birth control, frankly speaking, they shouldn't have an abortion, they should be sterilised.

why is it child's fault mother legs aren't strong enough?


Just use a coat hanger. Problem solved you're welcome

Why do foids need babysitting for all their problems? 🙄

Just use a coat hanger. Problem solved.

Why do foids need babysitting for all their problems? 🙄

Hahahaha how the fuck is not getting an abortion real Hahaha nigga just use a coat-hanger like Nigga just drink booze Haha

haha abortion goes brrr

Right now it doesn't, and that's the drama.


Haha pregnancy go brrrr

You don’t understand I need to have unprotected sex with strangers

If you fill your punch card before the end of the month your next abortion is free

The card's just a tally of how many stomach punches they've had.

Actually yes if I needed to have a kids brains scrambled right now I’d be pretty pissed off that I couldn’t get it done. How can you retards hate niggers (who have most of the abortions) and whine about people being pissed about not being able to get one?

Abortion is a huge impediment to the mayocide.

Catholic drama gang rise up.

I actually want all those people to get an abortion so they can’t spread their genes


If they were into anal fisting like most trannies they wouldn't have to worry about abortions. Cis women are retarded

Should having a gussy qualify you for disability?

It should qualify you for immediate euthanasia

post-birth abortion.

no, because foids don't deserve money or accomodation.

Lmfao are they too stupid to use birth control??

Are you too retarded to impregnate a foid without rape?


downvoting Watermark

Gamersriseupfugees OUT

Birth control has health impacts and makes you a more cunty person. Use the condor

Condom is sadly only slightly more effective than pulling out.

The enlightened person's choice is abstinence, or alternatively the spirale

O ok

Best way is to just close your eyes really tight and have sex with a man

Why would I close my eyes?

No nigga just make her get an IUD

as if you would notice if a woman gets even worse personality. And why would I care if she gets the shits from it or whatever, as long as it happens when I'm already back home.

Yes, use the condor. It is a mighty bird that will keep all that you wish not to be away.

So get her pregnant but train a condor to swoop in and kill the baby the minute it's born?

Yes, its a symbiotic relationship

They're just too fat.

The fatter you are, the less effective birth control is.

This is what I don't understand. If you are on birth control and use a condom, you pretty much have 0% chance of getting pregnant.

le olde coat hanger method has arrived

Is gut punching women cool again?

Only with their enthusiastic consent (nagging you counts as them objectively asking you to hit them).

no not my form of degeneracy

I guess now would be the time for a sex strike.

Women come up with an idea for stopping abortions: closing their legs. How novel a concept!

I'm glad to see them coming to reason, and realizing what men have been telling them all along (when they started fighting for "abortion rights") made perfect sense.

I mean, abortions + birth control are considered to be what spawned the sexual revolution in the first place (well, that and jews of course) so it makes sense that with a reduction in availability of abortions they'd naturally roll back on it.

Um sweaty you can't just say don't have sex, that's not a solution.

They need the blood of babies to survive

Rightists using the coronavirus as an excuse to ban abortion

Abortion doctors and facilities aren't even competitive with hospitals, they're just uselessly shut down. This is a time sensitive behavior, rightists just want to force women to give birth to their rape seed.



This comment made by low test gang 😎

this is extremely false and misleading.

non-surgical centers, where all they do is distribute contraceptives and pills... that does not compete with or use the resources of hospitals.

but all surgical centers do. if they're not immediately on-site of the hospital, they're generally required to have admitted privileges at an immediately local hospital to cover complications. that's because surgical complications happen. and then it absolutely matters. shit, my dentist has a surgery room that's compliant with non-hospital surgical regs because they do wisdom teeth removal. if a dentist can do it, surgical abortion clinics can do it too.

If you don't make politics based on exceptions, why are women and minorities allowed to vote?

rape is <0.01% of abortions. that's an exception.

since when is 50% of the population (females) and 34% of the population (minorities) an exception?

you're orders of magnitude off in your definition of "exceptions". but keep proving lefties are garbage, screeching hysterical nonsense that doesn't apply to the other 99.99%. you're doing a great job.

Tyrone is having so many kids. Demographic mayocide.. whatcha gonna do, have yet more brown kids cause you outlawed abortion? Why not open the borders while you're trying to destroy white men? Your policies are hypocritical. The only person who wins from following an agenda of forcing brown prople to breed more is, brown people. Spotted the niBBa lover.

hey incel, i'm brown myself. in addition:

  • i make more money in a week than you do in a year,
  • my IQ is higher than yours,
  • i'm taller and way more fit than you'll ever be,
  • i could star in BBC porn videos if i wanted,
  • i'm a redpill asshole who gets laid like a warlord,
  • i live in a banging penthouse in a major US city,
  • no, i don't work in sports or entertainment.

how does it feel knowing that a "niBBa" is objectively better than you in every way?

now bag my groceries you toothless redneck...

Ha, I called it. Any brown person that supports trump is obviously a big boy, so I'm not worrying that you'll take care of yourself and any kids you may be responsible for, and their various momma's, but I'm not talking about the statistical anomalies like yourself here. In general more people should have abortions, like everyone in Mexico. And being a right winger is about hating brown people, what we used to call minorities except they're outbreeding whites and less abortions will only swell their ranks.

So now we cant use the dogwhistles we have to be openly racist. So it goes. That's part of the conservatve package. We hate women and minorities. It doesn't matter about your Bentleys. If you wanna join in on the opressing women, we won't stop you, but don't forget your place relative to white conservatives. The poorest inbred white meth addled cracker deserves his welfare more than a single black mom in college. Why? Because they're white.

/S 😁😎 honk honk

And being a right winger is about hating brown people, what we used to call minorities except they're outbreeding whites and less abortions will only swell their ranks. That's part of the conservatve package. We hate women and minorities.

the babymaking is true, but that's because white people stopped having kids, and you let your women become completely unmarriageable. they'd rather divorce you for that sweet child support and ride the cock carousel than raise children with you.

Sexual liberation did turn out to have unintended consequences but at least it's way easier to get laid than it used to be. Getting married is for chumps. As a member (ha ha) of the cock carousel, there is a constant supply of pussy to ride me.

sure, but if you want kids, you basically have to go get a eastern euro or latam surrogate. the average woman nowadays is extreme net negative expected value for anything beyond a fun night.

Not to be that guy but I could not have kids even if I wanted to because I got myself snipped. So far, absolutely no regrets. I'm a staunch antinatalist.

at least you're not an antianalist.

Only if mlady requests

you gotta tickle it a bit and then just slip your boy in her backdoor. if she's attracted to you, she'll get into it.

Imagine never having a girl want your peepee in her butt so much that she bends over and spreads her cheeks apart with both hands while giving you explicit verbal orders to, quote, "fuck my ass".



Do you also play Magic The Gathering in your penthouse?

haven't played in years

i make more money in a week than you do in a year, my IQ is higher than yours, i'm taller and way more fit than you'll ever be, i could star in BBC porn videos if i wanted, i'm a redpill asshole who gets laid like a warlord, i live in a banging penthouse in a major US city, no, i don't work in sports or entertainment.

you definitely still play magic.

Rightists need live babies to use in their satanic pedo rituals.

Based watermark coming in with wikipedia tier knowledge of the situation to btfo the rightoids.

Rightists want black and Mexicans to over run Americans by out breeding them. It's an 11d chess move because conservatism is a suicide cult.

On one hand it's funny they can't have abortions but also do we really want gendercritical users to reproduce?

They're not having sex. They just want a reason to be mad. Don't worry, none of them is getting pregnant by her cat.

I strongly encourage every woman who doesn't want a child to abstain from sex altogether

Holy shit this virus is even making feminists based now

I don't think that was much of a concern in that sub. Only ones getting laid there are lesbians which is about 90%.

lesbians all have dead bed rooms

All it took was a worldwide deadly pandemic to make them realize they should have listened to those old white men all along.


Unprotected sex, or I'm gonna kill myself.


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Lmao the one foid complaining that men don’t want to date or marry single mothers. Like lmao how can single motherhood be real like just close your legs for a while.

Lmao just tell your dead husband to resurrect

This but unironically lmao

lmao just find some stairs or a coathanger if you want to murder your child so bad bitch like come on

Or just find another strong independent woman to perform your abortion, instead of relying on the patriarchal hospitals.

I wonder what Randy is up to at this moment 😢

Randy's account goes quiet

pandemic cripples the world

really makes u 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I almost forgot about that guy


There's not a single woman in GC whose vagina has seen a penis in the last 10 years, why do they care??

Come on. Some of the younger ones might have been raped by their dads in the last decade.

Some of the younger ones might have been raped by their dads in the last decade.

This is true, that's why I clarified with vagina - we all know a good 😇 Christian 🙏 daddy would never take a girl's virginity and go the poophole loophole route. Or a nice BJ.

I can't remember the name, but there was a pedophile who got caught diddling his 12yo daughter, and you just about described his defense in court (he left her vagina for her future husband, so he was being a good dad).


Depending on which shithole this is in that's either a retard or genius defense really.

I don't think it worked well for him.

Based coronavirus saving baby lives

I strongly encourage every woman who doesn't want a child to abstain from sex altogether

And all it took was a little pandemic. Preacher man has been going about this all wrong

When the feminists see the Wrath of God made manifest, suddenly they'll listen to the words of holy men!

How could anything be more important than irresponsible sex?

Karen : It's vital that I kill this baby right now, pandemic be damned.

Dude swallow lmao

Don't 👏 have 👏 sex 👏 femcel 👏

men: tell women to abstain from sex if they don't want to be pregnant, get called misogynist.

women: tell other women to do a sex strike if abortions are not available, get called feminist heroes


It's called "hypocrisy". It's the basis of modern feminism.


Abortion should be free and encouraged :)

Should be mandatory (and you'd have to prove not to be a degenerate so you're allowed to carry to term).