Take the dogpill. Filled with comments trying to justify this degenerate behavior.

1  2020-03-26 by fml6677


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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White people be like:

99% of the comments are calling her gross or disgusting.


starts puking harder

not only is it beastiality, it's gay beastiality that I can't use as a fuCKING MEME

gosh why does it have to be ruined every time? I was hoping it'd be a white girl so it'd fit my world view and sense of humour.

White 👏 Boys 👏 Blow 👏 Dogs 👏

is totally meme material.



You can take it for granted someone committed beastiality as long as they are white

I was about to start absolutely seething and tell you that you're dead wrong untill I remembered that one time I received suck from a female black whilst I was under the influence of alcohol and boomer juice. You're point is fair enough, I guess.

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  1. Take the dogpill. Filled with comme... - archive.org, archive.today*

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It is more common than you would think. I have seen many such cases of men asking whether this is healthy behavior. I can't say it is.

"many such cases"

yeah just a cool chill bro thing to ask whether it's okay to suck off their dogs, pretty normal occurrence actually!

Healthy young foid gets a dog, gets pumped with massive shot of dog semen, doesn't feel good and changes - DOGPILL. Many such cases!

It was a man.

I saw a woman jack off her dog once and I have never recovered.

What degenate choices in your life led you to that situation?

I went to a big party with pizza, swimming pool, girls, and a lady who happened to jack off her dog.

Something about that just don't add up.

Normal people don't go to pool parties where foids randomly jerk off dogs in front of the guests.

Why was this downvoted

Because rrrrrslashDeuxrama thinks a woman pleasuring a dog in front of a bunch of people at a pool party is a normal every day thing.

Out of control mayo degenerates


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I think that is a criminal act