Mayos, SMH my head

2  2020-03-26 by NPC_46765


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There is absolutely 0% chance that that dudes life will end by natural causes

And that's a good thing.

Based and reported.

Some people have a harder time with social distancing.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Mayos, SMH my head -,

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Dude sodomite lmao

Reason #23185

Fuck you OP I didn't need to know this thing existed

Did you involuntarily jerk with revulsion and have the exact same feeling you get when seeing some vore or murder scene photos on accident like i did when he popped up?

I did, except those other things you mentioned don't faze me. I was shocked to learn that even after two decades of internet use, I can still be disgusted by something.

I involuntarily jerked but somehow my hand ended up on my cock, and when I went into a seizure, I just lost all control. The shock of seeing this video turned me into a coomer.

Well yea I think it goes with out saying we all fapped to it.

I'm in this photo and I do like it

Wtf. It was funny until I saw his post history.

Okay, who's gonna call him and tell us what they find?

Did you call him?

I plead the 5th yes.

Did he give you a free blowjob?

Somehow worse, but exactly what I asked for. I never understood what people meant by "I feel dirty inside" until now.

Look at those milkers ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ how do we make this mandatory for all foids and troids?

Now there's something a thumbnail doesn't do justice to.

The world just got a little funnier, knowing that this is stalking the streets.

By Allah, this infidelity is disgusting.