Say it with me gamers- GCJ is a moronic echo chamber for mentally ill trannies who can't understand simple reasoning and arguments.

3  2020-03-26 by Odiihinia


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. Say it with me gamers- GCJ is a mor... -,

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Just take a glance at the comments there lmao All of them don't get that shoving a sub1% ideology pushing mental illness on a childrens game subreddit is forcing

"Minecraft bees say trans rights, unlike notch"

is this mentally ill fruit cake unaware that based notch made the game

notch sold it very early on, took all the money, and then retreated to a mansion where he draped himself in the finest of designer fedoras and stirred shit up on twitter. this is globalist nonsense

Yawn, find something better to complain about.

🥱🥱🥱find something funnier please

Isn't there same non-banned sub you can make your unfunny agendaposts in?🙄🙄

fuck the shut up dumbbrain

Gamers get the wall

This guy has never sucked a non-disgusting cock and I'll leave it up to interpretation what that means