Based and nostalgia-pilled

3  2020-03-26 by MikeStoklasa-cel


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I remember when “cool face” came out. It was so fucking hilarious.
Now it’s so unfunny and dead it makes me cringe to even see it.

Trollface was and still is based tho.

Trollface is Coolface

oh i thought the one on the right was cool face

Maybe it was because I was already an adult but although it wasn't cringy it was never funny to me.

I believe I was 19 so I thought it was Hilarious. But yeah I get that.

Close enough I was 20

Wanna makeout?

Too old for me.

Memes basically went like this:

Started on 4chan were quite hilarious > reddit and rage comics kinda funny at first > beaten to death and became unfunny > became mainstream on facebook etc. > memes are completely cringe and non-normies hate them > memes evolve again to be completely about shitposting and became funny again (current era, this excludes twitter and "dank memes" shit which is not funny)

Thanks OP. Now I'm having nam flashbacks of Derp and Derpina


Dog whistling in rage comic format is unironically clever and funny

dog whistling

One of their famous posts is about taking a shit, grabbing it and shoving it back up your ass to do it again. What is that dog whistle bro?

Systematic racism.


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Based and nostalgia-pilled -,

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This ain’t it

Ok zoomer

This aint my chef 👨‍🍳

Zoomers out out OUT

This meme is gay and so are you

Stfu faggot

There's nothing wrong with being gay

Being a zoomer, however, is grounds for execution

Stfu snowflake

Wojak is a Chad

You’re a fag

Rage faces were never funny

boo hoo you little pussy

Rage comics were way more creative than meme these days

ahem, cope

As with everything they also got ruined as soon as normies got a hold of them and that's why most of us are left with a bitter memory of them.

Cry more faggot

As a zoomer I can say that man does not speak for us and is to be hung with hell fire.

Hey frienderino! It's actually "this ain't it chief". If that's not what you were going for then I duly truly apologizerino !!! You're heckin valid, chief or no chief.

Sick comment you’re almost ready to take on a menslibber


I'm not a zoomer Im gen alpha

"gen alpha" is bullshit. Zoomers are supposed to be the last generation. Alphabet is over and this is the end. No more generations.

Deal with it 😎

needs a le epic face

What the hell is a wojak?

Those cartoon faces aren't soldiers

SMH, false advertisement!

I witnessed the birth of memes in front of my eyes, can you say the same zoomers?

You'd think you'd be less cringy than a 12 year old in that case.

Get memed kid

I miss Rage comics dude. Back when memes were funny and creative.