as corona grows based zoomers become a greater % of pop. r/MadeMeSmile

1  2020-03-26 by HaltOverDow


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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"Alexa, schedule an extra dose of soy tomorrow. I'm feeling toxic." 🤒🤒🤒


  1. as corona grows based zoomers becom... -,

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hey, we don't have to hate women.

just make it so anyone who doesn't meet the tax burden with their tax payments can't vote. $4 trillion in federal spending, 200m working age able bodied people, that means each person's tax burden is $20k. if you paid less than $20k in taxes, you shouldn't get to vote because you're a burden on the system.

now i know what you're saying... there are practically no women who pay $20k+ in taxes because women overwhelmingly choose low paying jobs. yes, that's the fucking point. if they want equal rights, they legally need equal responsibilities. until a woman carries as much or more weight as a man (which only happens in porn, modeling, and maybe pharma sales), they can go fuck themselves.


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Is this what youve been up to since your public high school closed?