Foid spits out food her 3-year-old son made. Is she the asshole?

1  2020-03-27 by lawlzposting


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NTA . WTF is wrong with your husband?

Literally this, and unironically

I loathe people who dislike foods because of texture. Go eat your fucking McDonald’s you dumb fat cow.

Holy crap what a jerk husband

What kind of adult gags on food because of the texture and then spits it out at the dinner table? Why are redditors like this?

No idea, have you visited the front page recently, I tried but at this point me and the average redditor are different species.

Yeah, but I try not to. I’ve been using reddit slightly more than usual due to lockdown, and I’m worried that it might be causing loss of gray matter in my brain. Am I going to become a capeshitter? Am I going to become a lolcow for r/badeconomics? Probably yes

Horrifically bad economics in the iCarly fandom

what an absolutely baste sub, lmao.

oh no she getting "emotionally blackmailed" to eat food.

Literally abuse. Dump him and move out. ASAP

Husband is a piece of shit. Either he's a fucking retard who can't remember what his wife is allergic to, or he's a fucking asshole and does it on purpose.

NTA, I fucking DESPISE eggplants, and it's BASTE af to hate avocados

Good point actually.

she doesn't like the 🍆, eh😉? I bet she prefers the 🚀🐶

actually, you know what after reading on, forget it:

eggplant lasagne [...] aubergine pizza slices with avocado

what the fuck, woman? I'm pretty sure it's child abuse to leave your child in the custody of a person who would make that as dinner. spitting out that "food" is an absolute power move and should be commended!

Of all the things in the world that have happened, this isn’t one of them

what a dumb childish bitch

On the one hand wtf kind of dinner is eggplant and avocado pizza. Eggplant is weird but doable on pizza maybe, but the avocado makes me doubt this even happened.

On the other hand this woman is crying and spitting out food like a toddler, her actual toddler son has a more adult relationship with food. She should just stick to eating chicken nuggets from Wendy's

This reads like the underwater weighing test thing