Cuckie gets forcefully anally penetrated by le bull

3  2020-03-27 by bogdanoff14


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It was me. He wanted it. No apologies.

This was literally being posted on MDE this is how old this is

Yeah, I’ve seen this before. It was posted I think 2 years ago, and he did not get the nicest responses. He deserved it though. Hopefully he grew a spine after this(I seriously doubt it though)

I don't think being ass raped usually makes a man tougher

Yeah that’s why I said I was hoping because chances are if the post isn’t fake(which it most likely is) he’s probably still a human doormat

The spartans would disagree


Definitely bait but pretty hot though ngl

posting stale pasta


Did we ever find out who the author of that bait was

That whole comment thread is an absolute goldmine

don’t talk to my husband or my husbands anus ever again

My wife is going to visit him one last time

Oh no no no 🤣🤣🤣

Can't make this shit up

Meeting with him one more time 🤡

No fucking way this is real