I have a question for you.

2  2020-03-27 by heirofflint

How do you have fun on Reddit? I was recommended this website by a friend, and he told me some subreddits to visit. I'm starting to think, however, that this may be a prank of his. There has so far been nothing fun about what I've seen. I thought since this was the first subreddit he told me to visit that this would be the best place to ask for advice. So please, I ask you, residents of r/Deuxrama (Deuxchads? I'm not sure what your populace is called.) to show me the way of the "redditor".


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I’m aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger

Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.

Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don’t know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don’t throw it away before you’ve even left.


  1. I have a question for you. - archive.org, archive.today

  2. r/Deuxrama - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I'm questioning whether this bot is actually operated by a human, because I refuse to believe this is an automated response.

please, I ask you, residents of r/Deuxrama (Deuxchads? I'm not sure what your populace is called.) to show me the way of the "redditor".

Post bussy, nigger.


Well first you need to get some plastic bags and start brewing up some titty skittles....

He asked for r/DeuxRAMA not r/Drama

You’re right, he asked for the way of the “redditor”, better melt down Funkos instead of plastic bags

I don't want to ask what this means.

Don't listen to him. He just wants you to join the 41%.

transgenders in Italy were melting plastic bags for estrogen.

show me the way of the "redditor".

Post left wing political sperging, sperg over opinions right of Mao, sperg when someone disagrees with you, then finally cut your dick off and insist lesbians and straight men slurp the pus from your necrotic axe wound

Hope this helps kind strangerino!

are you ridin with Biden?

Well I'm the heir to a small fortune, who do you think I'm voting for? Bernie?

Based. How's the boomer remover setting up things for you this year?

Well my father hasn't been diagnosed with anything yet, but I sure hope nothing happens to him. ;)

same, I moved in with my parents to take care of them just in case.