Hello, based department?

1  2020-03-27 by Tycoronachan


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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why would i want to talk to someone having sex with someone else



Can confirm. Women are good for one thing, and talking isn't it.

slave labor?

They’re notoriously bad listeners. They’d fuck up the instructions.

Based and serving BBC pilled


Mutts law




🇰🇿 greetings 🇰🇿

Pffft, women aren't people.

We're reaching based levels that shouldn't be possible

This nigga is the CEO of the based department.

Ascended Chad

Based department answered.

Hi guys, newfag here, do we have a backup sub? Bc this is one of the basedest subs I've found in a while and I'm afraid this one might get b*nned.

Day of the can when?

There is no “we”. We don’t want you here

I'm not a shill, I'm saying this out of legitimate concern. I have never reported a sub; in fact everytime I find a sub like this it's banned by the time I get there.

Go fuck yourself faggot

please go fuck yourself

Fuck me yourself you coward

Next time MOSSAD

Yes. But we will never tell you.

Hey sub mod here, sorry for the negative response from the userbase. It's just that Against Homosexual Subreddits has been targeting this sub recently.

In order to make sure you're not an AHScel (18+ only btw), we're asking you to show good faith by shaving or using Nair on your buttocks and perianal region, then taking a picture of your butt and posting it here. Make sure to have your username in the image (either on your skin itself or a piece of paper).

What's nair?

We've all done it. Don't act naive.


You need about six cans though.



Like dude... Whoa bro. Dude.

MOM im 24 stop making reddit accounts and joining subs im on so that you can make sure no ones being mean to me

yeah im over at http://www.atf.gov

Sorry, but this subreddit has a strict rule against rightoids, go away

My ass. The only rules I was notified about by the mod was 1. shitpost and 2. don't break reddit rules.

Reddit rules already encompass this rule.

Jannies are people too, they can make mistakes. Do you have any idea how stressful their job is? The janny just forgot to tell you that no rightoids are allowed on this subreddit

Jannies are people too

Let's not go that far

They do their job for $0! Not even a cent!

Jannies are people

Not really, no.

I know that's bs, I literally found this sub from r/ForwardsFromKlandma with a guy blaming coronavirus on "chinks and niggers". Sound's pretty rightoid to me.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForwardsFromKlandma using the top posts of the year!

#1: Umm, what? | 140 comments
#2: Klandma has the gold medal for mental gymnastics | 143 comments
#3: These are considered "insults" | 373 comments

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This subreddit is in the radical centre, we don't conform to conventional political ideology

Where's the lie?

aids & ebola was niggers, chinks managed this one solo

We dont actually hate chinks and niggers we actually hate chinks and niggers

We usually hang out at r/chapotraphouse on the weekends.

Hey there! Glad you could join us! It makes me really happy to see new faces around here. 🤪

Yes, we do actually have a backup sub. It’s at my house. It’s a little weird, I know! But reddit can’t silence us IRL, can they? It’s 8025 Fort Smallwood Road, Curtis Bay, MD 21226. We have fun parties and plenty of alcohol! Plus I’m sure you’ll find I’m a quirky guy, if you know what I mean 😏😝

Actually, they’re really small parties so we’ll have plenty of time to get to know one another. But I’m bigger than myself you’ll find. I’m the life of the party, if I’m not the only guy at the party.

If you have to travel far to get here please share your location with me, and before you depart give me a picture of yourself so I can see just how pretty you are. Just teasing!


This is the perfect troll post, bravo


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Hello, we usually hang out in the r/traaaaans subreddit. Be sure to check it out and participate in our weekly hanging sessions.

please dont destroy deux PLEASE

Rule 1: We don't downvote lolcows

this isnt a fucking lolcow this is what will get deux banned a lolcow randomly shows up he knows what he is doing as if we are some autistic mde sub

“as if”

we are autistic but NOT mde

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.