A fatty sub is now a troid positivity sub. Any hecking transphobia gets you banned 🤬🤬🤬

1  2020-03-28 by agrees2retards


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Coming out as trans while in a heterosexual marrige is the most selfish and spineless thing ever. Poor woman

i can totally understand coming out as trans in a relationship if they broke up with their partner, but reddittrans never seem to take that obvious step. Plus, they get angry if someone even suggests it

That's because they want that fantasy "lesbian" relationship they've been fetishizing.

Whether they acknowledge it, or bury things in cognitive dissonance, they're looking to trojan horse their way into the fantasy, without any actual concern for the desires of their partner.

At best, they'll figure that she can be talked (read: pressured) into it over time.

Exactly. It's all about validation for narcissistic trannies. They'll drag everything down with them, and even ruin their own marriage, as long as they get to play out their fetish. Trannies are vile

What's even weirder is when they're so glad their straight wife stays and is now suddenly ok with being in a supposedly dyke relationship because she just loves you that much..

Like, come on, sweaty, it's obvious to everyone you didn't just change your 30-something years old wife's sexuality and she still sees you as a dude on some level at least. How do you not spend every waking minute thinking about it and how it invalidates you, when you think that way about literally everything else?

Don’t worry about her yet. There is a 41% chance of the problem taking cares of it’s self

That's why we need trans acceptance so they come out as trans before they have a family. Right now everyone ostracizes them so many try to hide it, and this is what happens when you just can't hide it anymore.

Don't downvote the lolcow!!!

I'm literally a regular on deuxrama.

I know. You're still a lolcow though.

Do you remember the rice with the plastic bag, and how retarded deuxcels were then? So you guys aren't any better than me.


What plastic bag, what?

Ah, missed that then; witaf lol


Exactly, we should get them some kind of patch or tattoo on their arm to easily identify them too.

where are convicted sex offenders in my hood. com

Good. Keep that faggot shit bottled in and take it to the grave

And yet you'll bitch and moan when you see angsty teenagers doing it for attention.

I enjoy watching morons create the very problems they reee about

This is why we need to ban anime.

Constantly writing retarded shit while "pretending" still makes you a retard sweaty...

Sweaty, if you don't appreciate being trapped in a relationship and a tranny using your emotional investment to force you to stay, you're a h*cking transphobic bigot

Women-centric sub comes out as tranny lovers

Imagine my shock


They really don't think for themselves at all, they just go along with whatever they are told is "right" . It's hilarious how conformist the average foid is

It's why I have the tiniest amount of respect for TERFs, at least they're willing to be a little subversive.

IMAGINE coming out as trans when you're in a marriage.

Might as well not have got married then.

Foid subs are always troids subs bigot 🤬

Autistic narcissists not just 41% themselves but those who care for them.

I identify as thin you transphobic cretins!!!

Oh noes. Not the heckin transphoberinos. It's the current year!

Y'alled when

The relationship advice and the legal advice treads posted next month by this OP will be pretty wack

I noticed they don’t care if you’re racist, sexist or an anti Semite. Only the trans have protected rights in that sub.

As a gay trans man, you CAN have genitals preferences, just like you can have body type preferences, but it is transphobic to say you would never date a trans person. Why? Because many trans people have surgeries that make them relatively indistinguishable on sight, genitals and otherwise, to cis people. You most likely have experienced attraction to a trans personal at some point without knowing. It’s dumb to say it’s impossible you’d be attracted to one.

I fucking hate alphabet people so much

As a gay trans man

So this person is straight?


inverted dick is indistinguishable from a vagina

flesh tube from arm skin is indistinguishable from a penis

Sweaty maybe learn something beyond elementary biology...

Tranny traps his partner in a relationship and waits until they're emotionally invested, then troons out. Many such cases!

OP should stop doing all those mental gymnastics and start doing physical ones instead imo