Islam is right about women

1  2020-03-28 by UnalignedRando


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>41% chance of suicide bombing


Where have I seen that stat before?

Wow, MDEchads truly went deep cover.

Meat eating vegan Christian Muslim atheist white poc minority takes xer first horse piss shot

r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/sounding

/r/ballpiss moment

Top Comment:

>My uncle was an endocrinologist. He generally hated his job, as he had many elderly diabetes patients who wouldn’t take insulin, etc. He said transitioning trans patients were hands down his favorites, as they were, by far, the most grateful patients he ever had! I absolutely just cried watching

Me: hmmmm I wonder....

Click top commenter profile. Read first comment:

>Thank you so much for your perspective! I hear a lot of CF by choice voices on here (and am one myself), so I find it very interesting to hear from people who eventually changed their mind, even if they were forced to.

>And you’re so right about the guilt. I mean, I’m Jewish, so my whole life has ALREADY been guilt. No more thanks!

Now what's up with that eh

Mossad and their psyops, what else is new?

This is beyond ridicules!

I support this mostly cause i don't like muslims.

At least real muslims won't let that trans bullshit get out of hand.

You sound angry, have you considered taking some estrogen?

Might I enquire about which religion you were raised into?

Mayhaps he should poat his nose aswell?

Meh, (((they))) can afford rhinoplasties.

You can sense the mental illness