Longpig-eaters sure do get upset over the dumbest shit. NOT THE HECKIN SACRED BOULDERERINOS, NOOOOOOO.

8  2020-03-28 by WyPippo


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Theyve been delaying real scientific process for years now.

No not the heckin' sacred tallboi pele volcano! It is a sacred vagina or something to them.

Most of the people that claim to be native are like 50% jap 40%mayo and 10% or less native Hawaiian.


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Still got that bloated spic look tho

i have a hard time jumping on this hate train when i know a lot of the people dunking on drinks with wolves are the type to get triggered when a historically accurate movie where a white guy does something wrong gets bad, or literal fictional demons in a videogame that aren't real turn female. they laugh it up over some drunkard worshipping rocks but then draw out a floor plan of their local school and go gun shopping over a f*male capeshit hero in the latest corporate movie franchise entry.

my eyes glossed over while reading this ngl but based I think

The "native" Hawaiians aren't indigenous. They arrived from Polynesia around the year 400 and genocided the indigenous people there.

and what was the name of this group of natives that existed prior to the Polynesians

Actually, I think I misremembered. There is some folklore passed down about pushing back the little people who already lived there, but not sure if there is evidence it referred to real people. Anyway, they're still not indigenous people, they're aboriginal, but I guess that's just semantic.

Injuns are pretty based tbh. They can just declare any pile of shit "sacred" and make whitey bend over double.

"That pile of garbage over? That's... uh, an ancient ceremonial site to celebrate the birth of the red sky snake. Normally I cant let you go there, but if you were to make a small donation, i might make an exception, because the skysnake is the god of grifting trade and neighborly love. Now Pay up whitey, my firewater isnt paying for itself"

They literally did this with a skeleton that was found to have no shared dna with indians. They just said "ya but its old tho" and the government confiscated it for them

Based. I would do the same thing if I knew I could get free skeletons.

Ya, especially when it proves your historical claims to a continent are wrong