A sub full of white people are actively trying to ban a Muslim sub. Fucking islamophobes šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

4  2020-03-29 by agrees2retards


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This is definitely haram

Islam was right about AHS

Lgbt vs islam.

The on going battle of a unstoppable force and an immovable object.


Sounds like something muslims are used to.

When they stone someone to death, they bury them up to their neck, and throw stones at their head. So it's unstoppable rocks fighting an immovable head.

The kinetic force of an object falling from a building is very much stoppable once it makes contact with the ground.

First reaction is to pin it on white conservatives, the second is to shield Muslims. Lol these faggots are such bottom tier trash.

"uwu how can we make this about le chuds?"

If we somehow get more Muslims on Reddit, AHS will be too busy trying to get them banned to bother anyone else šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

must be Whitey's LARPing as Muslims. Islam is religion of peaaaaaaaace

Ex Muslim here, they seem legit as they speak Arabic and know enough about jurisprudence. Ofc there are good Muslims and all, but those are the ones who follow religion loosely. Iā€™d honestly say that sub represents what Islam is intended to be in the holy scripture.

Based and hadji pilled.

Incredibly fuckin based

They are aware that lots of muzzies are white yes?

"What's going on? This isn't the way that the Muslims in my fanfics act."

Cant stand this rubbish honestly. Reddit has a massive islamaphobia issue and the last thing it needs is idoits like these giving fodder to other bigots across reddit.

So close to self awareness.

A hereby declare a jihad on jannies and wh*tes

They banned /r/AgainstHaramSubs too

Good luck ahs getting rid of the sand people.

Jesus was a sand nigger