Foids seething that footcel dare expose one of them

9  2020-03-29 by genericaccount1363


If being an e thot is so empowering why do they get so mad when they're outed. Is this the power of foid cognitive dissonance. Also lol at asking the average redditor anything unless it's how the new flavor of soylent tastes

Extra exposure and more chances at getting a buyer? Why would she complain? Unless...

The glass ceiling smfh

It’s almost like, deep down in their mind, they know it’s degenerate? Wow, This really makes you think. I wonder what her response would be to this

SEX WORK IS REAL WORK. this is why plumbers, dentists, and mechanics are all super ashamed of their professions when people find them out.

It’s almost like, deep down in their mind, they know it’s degenerate?

They indeed do.

Shut Up inkwell

My man desperate for those e-thot crumbs lmao. Hope she sees this.

Just a crumb

What kind of "domme" throws a whiny shitfit about being outed? That's not dominant behavior, that's basic Becky bullshit. All those poor simps threw their money at a fraud.

yes hello good morning

Excellent bait for simps and thots. Pissing off redditors is morally right and justified

You are a wise man!


Replying is essential if you notice that someone has reached their tipping point but hasn't had a complete meltdown, they just need a little push

Looool, 90% of the replies on there are just NPC/ slut women.

If there's nothing shameful about sticking on a strap-on and making guys bust for a living then why are you upset when someone tells his mates its your career path.

Look though the YTAs and try to find the commenters gender. I found at least a hundred women and 2 men one of whom posted in men’s lib.


I am disgusted by you Arsepirate69. You think that it is ok to promote ‘pirating’ women’s arses? Well sweaty that is RAPE and ILLEGAL. I wish FACISTS like you would be banned from America for oppressing empowered sex workers.

Have sex INCEL.

You've got me creasing, dude :'''''')


That explains so many things.

Lmao @ leddit foids going online to moralize

Post in AITA a question if you are an asshole for kicking a neet son out of your house after he stole your bra.

2 men one of whom posted in men’s lib.

Here's Jessie Lee Peterson to give you some uhmazin' information on why this is a contradiction in terms.

Those aren't men. They're dickless men so technically they're honourary troids.

Those comments inspired an idea for a new game to play:

Simp or Slut?

they all have porn names so its obvious they are all whores


How many of these bitches consume fast food and cheap chinese junk but look down on burger flippers and would never date a sweatshop worker?

Its like what that one nigga said-“love the bussy but dont respect the bussy”

This is a very well-crafted AITA baitpost. There is some degree of subtlety but at the same time nobody but a redditor would be retarded enough to think it was real. It's not easy to achieve that balance.

It's extremely well done, the OP knows his audience(bored moms, egirls) very well. Like you said it's very obviously fake but the types of people that browse these subs spend hours looking for stories like this. I like how he plays off the cognitive dissonance about there being nothing wrong with being an e-thot but also not wanting anyone irl to know about it.

I feel like you could tell whenever an AITA/relationships post was crafted to bait because they always hit on the same topics.

It had to have been. Everything fell into line too well


How dare you bully a brave empowered women for SW. Sex work is real work you misogynistic INCEL. I am literally shaking my head right now. YTI! How would your mother view your MISOGYNISTIC BEHAVIOUR on the internet. I bet you voted Trump you bigot. I am literally crying. How could you ruin this woman’s life like this? You should stop watching internet porn and HAVE SEX INCEL.


I feel like somewhere along the way people have forgotten basic internet rules such as not feeding the troll (opposite on our part of course) or when you post some shit it’s there forever and can be spread.

I hung up on her before she could finish

What a fucking Chad

It's true, women go on too much.

Straight up. Time is limited get to the point bitch.

I respected the guy but then in his edit he admitted he was into feet. Nigga that's just weird.

Holy fuck imagine thinking this sounds remotely plausible. 95 percent of my highschool class hasnt even changed their prof pic on FB let alone inserted themselves as an entire class into some boring drama lol

there are so many fucking foids on that sub and 80% of their comments are talking about themselves

NTA. No real man in the real world would think you did anything wrong. Even IF you slut shamed in a private chat group you did nothing wrong.

I love Reddit armchair personality judges.

Imagine even writing a comment that long, let alone one about made up story.

Autism is a superpower

I'm Spiderman

words words words words words words words


Yi-yikes dis is y ur incel. YTA! YTA! YTA!!!!!!


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YTA you can't say you respect women and then make fun of sex workers, or women you don't find attractive, or women you don't think are intelligent, or what ever. Because that means you don't respect women.

Noooo you must make generalizations about everything! Respect all women or you are sexist!

I respect individuals, not genders or labels.


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Make fun of stupid people? SEXIST!

On the other hand, nice, i got a cart blanche to make fun of whores, uggos and idiot foids!

Roasties btfo

If your reddit comment about how men should want to date you gets a lot of upvotes, that actually means men will want to date you!

Redditors are subhuman


I’m doing my part

would someone think of the HOOKERINOS 😱

Can I please have a crumb of pussy? 😭

The “freedom of speech not freedom from consequences” folks are nowhere to be found... hmmm

Based commer outs whore

The comments in that thread are actually too gay to read

Hoes mad af lmao

God I hate women so fucking much it's unreal