SAHM control freaks cope with agoraphobia

2  2020-03-29 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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  1. SAHM control freaks cope with agora... -,

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SAHM - Stay at home mom

He's delusional and he's willing to put me and our little one at risk. I want him gone.

I totally agree with this. Look I have my complaints about my husband right now, like he keeps eating all the food that will last a while first and leaves the food that will expire soon uneaten which means 1) we are wasting food and money and 2) I have to go to the store again instead of our food lasting us another week

Look, I know there a rule to avoid the 'leave that fuckwit' response. But, guuuuuuurl. Leave that fuckwit. Keeping you healthy isn't a good enough reason for him to be slightly inconvenienced. That's not good enough.

My Grandmother isn't a victim of the Democrats in your country. She couldn't give a rats arse about the US. Tell your boyfriend to stop being so fucking insular and open his eyes

Dear God that’s TERRIFYING. Do everything you can to get him out. You have an underlying condition and he is being recklessly negligent with your health. He’s delusional, willingly or otherwise, and whatever the reason you should not have to be living in fear because of it. You are RIGHT to be scared, he’s WRONG to be so flippant in the face of a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC and I hope that moving him to somewhere else for the duration of this crisis happens as easily as possible. Good luck.


I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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