Fauci predicts millions of coronavirus cases in US, and more than 100,000 deaths

7  2020-03-29 by GayDarknessSpirit


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. Fauci predicts millions of coronavi... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Oh noooo not the freakin bomerinos

nows the time to be an estate attorney 💵

Or family attorney. I'm bullish on DV cases and divorces.


Now this is what I call “Deuxramitic”

Upon hearing this my heart became filled with warmth, pride and childlike joy

Are Dramanauts overjoyed at dead boomers, meaning higher paying jobs will open up and housing will become cheaper?

I'm always overjoyed at the news of dead Americans, Inshallah

Inheritance dawg

The real economic stimulus will be all those life insurance policies put into the hands of iPhone & latte addicts.

Invest in Apple, Starbucks, soy milk and dragon dildos they're about to get an unprecedented windfall within the next year.

wanting better income and housing for zoomers

Remove yourself from the premises at once! To even utter such words is an insult of the highest caliber and I will not stand for it!

What's the problem? You can just replace them with more than 100,000 immigrants.

Can’t wait for him to step down when daddy trump wins over this hack