You have 1 bullet, and you’re trapped in an elevator with MasterLawlz and Hitler. Who you cappin?

1  2020-03-30 by HindenburgPartTrois


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Which of you niggas said Hitler

I’m stumped that someone had a choice between the most evil man in history, the man who orchestrated the single greatest mass murder in history, who exercised such brutal control of his people, or Hitler, and they chose Suicide.

I chose suicide. Lawlz definitely isn't falling to one bullet and I wouldn't want to watch him eat hitlers corpse.

I did. Whateryougonnadoaboutit?


Well it's sure as hell not gonna be Biden! I know you didn't mention him but he's always with me


Use the suicide option then you stupid fuck what a retarded fucking comment I spent all of 3 minutes trying to figure out whether to make the option “Suicide” or “Myself” and you couldn’t even be bothered to press the button holy fuck oh fucking god you probably commented this for karma fucks sake oh god fuck fuck fuck

Might wanna take another glance at my flair then stupid libtard 😎

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Not funny, didn't laugh

This is fucking stupid.

The right answer is get Lawlz and Hitler to kiss, then use the bullet on both of them.

Masterlawlz is pretty cool for janitor.

Leave Lawlz alone

fuck them at gunpoint


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They don't know I only have one bullet. I'd force them all (Joe Biden included) to fuck each other until the last man is standing. And then I'd shoot the l..

Joe, the fuck, why are you rubbing up on Hitler's crotch already?

There'd be two innocent men and one guilty man in that elevator. The choice is obvious.