So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
Is this just r/NoahGetTheBoat but with people making this same dead, dry dad joke "gee shucks maybe covid was a good thing *slaps knee and laughs loudly at own joke"?
I remember the first time I talked to a wh🤢te w🤢man.
She told me she used to put peanut butter on her gussy and have her dog lick it off. Then she told me that it's normal for white girls to do this. Then she started talking about how gross black people are 😕
I am assuming that this is a sincere and serious question, and will respond by taking your concerns seriously. This is not a joke : such things do happen, though not often. it is not "just a normal phase that many girls go through", though and does need careful attention.
Some children, probably at a younger age, may explore out of curiosity, exploring a pet animal without hostility ; but it can also be a part of a broader pattern of animal cruelty, and can be associated with later violent behaviour, and children can even be arrested for such an offense.
There are two areas of focus of concern. One is the animal itself, who is being exploited without being able to give true consent, and whose protection needs to be one of your priorities. Surely you can arrange to ensure that she no longer has private time alone with the dog ? Maybe you can even have some gentle discussions with her about how people often ignore the issues of animal rights, and that just because pets are usually friendly and gentle towards us, we have a duty to be especially careful not to exploit them in any way, because they cannot express themselves. Just as a Big Sister in her teens has a responsibility towards younger sibs, to protect them against risks they are too young to understand, we have a duty to be respectful towards out pets.
And then of course your child needs to be your prime responsibility. She may be fine, but I'd have concerns about why a child of 12, well able to have a range of human friendships in ordinary and appropriate ways, is so focused on repeated sexual behaviour with an animal, This is not wholesome.
When a young child shows repeated inappropriate interest in sexual matters, usually expressed in flirtatious or frankly sexual approaches to adults, or even just excessive curiosity, it is appropriate to be concerned. It may indicate various types of unhappiness and can be an indicator of prior physical or sexual abuse of the child himself/herself.
It would be a really good idea to arrange for your daughter to see a good child psychologist for a detailed assessment. This should be able to indicate if there are significant areas of concern needing to be dealt with, and the psychologist should be able to help.
Don't you think you need to discuss his with your daughter ? You won't be able to ignore it, and pretending it didn't happen will not be healthy at all. You can be tactful, sympathetic and kind, but ask her to talk to you about what you witnessed and over-heard.
And please remember, all readers, that the best way any of us can safeguard our children is not to wait until there's a crisis, but to establish and maintain an ongoing and open friendly discussion with your children, within which each of you can raise any question or issue that troubles either of you, for discussion and resolution.
Do, please feel free to return to this forum with fresh messages, to let us know how things develop.
Reminds me of that legendary thread on AITA about a father refusing to let his daughter buy a vibrator. She was of a similar age. Guess what Redd*tors decided.
1 AutoModerator 2020-03-30
I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-30
So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
In conclusion, be happy about your height
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1 Prabdr40 2020-03-30
Smh he should’ve recorded it
3 VanillaReign 2020-03-30
What the fuck man? You want the dog to go to jail?
1 assassin_is_born 2020-03-30
>I've read mixed opinions
1 Msmit71 2020-03-30
Must've asked white women
1 endians 2020-03-30
Looks like he's a deuxchad
1 hitomi1881 2020-03-30
1 braveathee 2020-03-30
He asked me
Dogs are much better than men.
1 Shonky_Solos 2020-03-30
1 Shadow_Of_ 2020-03-30
That's it, it's confirmed women, especially white women can do whatever the fuck they want
1 elephantofdoom 2020-03-30
He loves his dog more than his daughter.
1 AutoModerator 2020-03-30
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1 elephantofdoom 2020-03-30
1 heroizen 2020-03-30
After reconsidering i think Coronavirus was the best thing that ever happened to this Earth
1 TotesMessenger 2020-03-30
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
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1 I_WILL_SEX_UR_FACE 2020-03-30
Is this just r/NoahGetTheBoat but with people making this same dead, dry dad joke "gee shucks maybe covid was a good thing *slaps knee and laughs loudly at own joke"?
Wow these retards are lame
2 Dingus_Kahn 2020-03-30
reddit jokes are so fucking boring
1 sneakpeekbot 2020-03-30
Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoahGetTheBoat using the top posts of all time!
#1: Send the flood to India | 1385 comments
#2: okay what | 422 comments
#3: Ok now what (my name is Noah) | 597 comments
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1 I_WILL_SEX_UR_FACE 2020-03-30
No thanks
1 flameoguy 2020-03-30
no its a collection of coronavirus mentions
1 PizzaShillsFather 2020-03-30
Honestly this post is changing my opinion on MDEfugees. Maybe they are right about the world
1 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-03-30
Can’t be right about the world when you already lost at it
1 StayHardMiami 2020-03-30
MDE has it all figured out
Now if only Sam Hyde could learn to be funny
1 rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee 2020-03-30
He's too busy wanting to die
1 FratboyGenius 2020-03-30
Maybe I want to die. Maybe I'm just so cool I want to die.
1 theHelperdroid 2020-03-30
Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help:
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1 FratboyGenius 2020-03-30
lol fuck off
1 Dirtatron 2020-03-30
ahh I remember when I was at that stage of being redpilled
1 Lehk 2020-03-30
Only once it gains enough xp to evolve Ebola style bleeding out.
1 whiteypoints 2020-03-30
Totally normal. Be glad she's not doing that with high school boys.
1 braveathee 2020-03-30
Plus it's the family dog, so it's not like the father is getting cucked. Strange dogs would be a big no-no though.
2 VanillaReign 2020-03-30
Keeping it in the family, plus she can't get pregnant. Honestly I don't see a problem here.
3 braveathee 2020-03-30
No STD as well. And dogs are cute, unlike m*n. There are literally no downsides here.
1 VanillaReign 2020-03-30
Plus they both have dog brains.
1 clamnit 2020-03-30
I would drop the dog off at a shelter
1 SlowFatHusky 2020-03-30
If they still had fire station drop offs for children including teens, I'd leave her in the drop box.
1 flameoguy 2020-03-30
And the daughter off at an orphanage
1 ThrowAway4CoronaDayz 2020-03-30
And make sure it's a kill
orphanageshelter.1 constantinople_2053 2020-03-30
1 eamse 2020-03-30
Remember Colby?
1 bluedono 2020-03-30
I just can't believe this is real. I mean I can believe it but I don't want to.
1 scott_hunts 2020-03-30
This is what happens when you do a shit job of raising your kids.
1 flameoguy 2020-03-30
1 toomanytabsopen 2020-03-30
How long did he stand there watching and why won't he give her name?
1 agrees2retards 2020-03-30
I remember the first time I talked to a wh🤢te w🤢man.
She told me she used to put peanut butter on her gussy and have her dog lick it off. Then she told me that it's normal for white girls to do this. Then she started talking about how gross black people are 😕
1 jormahoo 2020-03-30
1 PUBLIQclopAccountant 2020-03-30
12-year-olds aren't supposed to know what sex is or how it works.
1 JanniesGuzzleCum 2020-03-30
1 braveathee 2020-03-30
The main reply he got:
1 languidhorse 2020-03-30
Reminds me of that legendary thread on AITA about a father refusing to let his daughter buy a vibrator. She was of a similar age. Guess what Redd*tors decided.
1 mob16151 2020-03-30
He needs to man up and tag in for Fido. Lol imago e being cucked by your dog.