Living painting cucks fans, large amount of jap drama

1  2020-03-31 by inceltiers2


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I actually carry around a point-and-shoot film camera, and regularly take pictures of people in public to add to my own cringe compilation. I make sure the flash is on and say "SNAP" when I do it.

The following is a list of situations in which I've added people to my cringe compilation:

  1. A man I was secretly watching at the gym was unable to complete a full set during his workout (I was counting) and at an unimpressive weight no less.

  2. An elderly woman on the bus dropped her change while attempting to pay for a ticket.

  3. The gentleman making my sandwiches at subway had to ask for clarification no less than 3 times during the sandwich creation process.

  4. You making this post.


  1. Living painting cucks fans, large a... -,

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this is the future rightoids with anime profile pictures want

Better this than women that think they are anything more than a hole

What's a virtual Youtuber?

Talking painting

A what? Never understood this weeb stuff.

Kizuma ai chan. Like a snapchat filter

Kizuma ai chan.

You have no idea how strong the urge to shove you into a locker is right now.

Unless you know any 7ft lockers shaped to the chiseled perfection of a god, dont hold your breath

I don't what's better, a living painting cucking its fans or pixels cucking whores?

Anyway, simps aren't people.

Anime is, was & will be a fucking mistake

2 nukes werent enough

i don't get it

is she animated? who's tearfully apologizing? someone drew her crying?


You know, at least in the other eras, people were retarded in a cool way.