Presentesd without context, get your own conclusions

1  2020-03-31 by librepensador93


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  1. Presentesd without context, get you... -,

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honestly these more than fair demands in a man outside of reddit and she looks like a cutie

make a spreadsheet to label a value on men based on a mathematic fórmula.

Post in a sub where women complains about men who doesnt value them as a person.

seems normal to me but the bar is lower than your self esteem

Not lower than someone else IQ 🤔

someone actually took the time to make a spreadsheet of this shit. lmao

Virgin multiple spreadsheets vs Chad 1-10 scale.

The most important criteria worth 75 points

If a criteria of primary importance received an "n", 225 points would be deducted

Just make the criteria worth 300 points then, idiot.

A "y" indicates Yes, and a "n" indicates No. I used "If" statements to calculate the points given for each trait.

Using 1s and 0s and multiplying/adding would be easier.

In summary, not knowing how to set up a proper scoring table makes her a LVF.

The most important to me is that there are two criterias for height and one for ethnicity. Foids gonna foid no matter what mindset they have.

The most important to me is that there are two criterias for height

One was 5'7 and the other 5'9. Shortcel detected.

5'2 balding Indian janitor here

Do you volunteer at the shelter?

Imagine automating your decision to start a relationship

When do we see a femaledatingstrategytears sub.

This is so fucking stupid lmao 🤣🤣🤣.... um... you guys wanna compare scores?

Jk lol... unless