Cornchad DESTROYS the progressives with FACTS and LOGIC

7  2020-03-31 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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Lmao I didn't expect that sperg out

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Cornchad DESTROYS the progressives ... -,*

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/u/BranTheBuildar your comments are incredibly problematic. Just because I had my neghole pozzed by an 8 inch enbenis I deserve to die? For what? “Society” not collapsing?

There is no doubt in my mind that the farmer who receives welfare checks his entire adult life from the government and hates other people for being on welfare, would definitely still be advocating for the quarantine to end if he was in his 60's. Vikangz n shiet.

Actually the FSA direct subsidies program was phased out over a decade ago.

Today farmers only get directly paid to plant nothing under CRP (conservation reserve program). Otherwise, the assistance they get is in the form of federal crop insurance, principally through the MPCI and LGM/LRP programs.

It doesn't really matter what it is, if I look at my state I see 3 different types of safety nets for these opioid addicts, and poverty is considered a moral failing in America so often anyone else that needs the same thing only off a farm is lazy and doesn't need it. And you can see their inbred drug addict will represented through congress and the executive, trying to get people of medicaid and food stamps eventually.

"I deserve a government handout if a tornado comes and destroys my crops, but you don't deserve a government handout if that tornado destroys your place of work on the way to my farm and you lose your health insurance"


Uh, when the Vermeer plant was hit, assistance was offered but ultimately nobody was laid off and so it wasn't needed. Their private insurance plan covered rebuilding just fine.

Nigga try not artificially inflating the entire market by over 15,000 points via tit-for-tat regulation and stock buybacks before crying for businesses

Tbf shelter in place sounds a bit useless when the next house is 20 miles away, and you never interact with other people anyways, because even your gf is a member of your family and lives in your farmhouse.

This site is filled with children like her lmao, no wonder it's pure garbage

Lmao that hoe is a Wiccan. Based corncel spitting straight facts on these hoes