I present you, self-reflection

4  2020-03-31 by MrSecondForEvil


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  1. I present you, self-reflection - archive.org, archive.today

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Now do the same thing replacing a phd with a reddit account and books with posts about a 2-follower-having unhinged chapo.

And remove all self-reflection.

Her PhD is in basketball American studies, your posts are probably more interesting and educational

how do you even get a phd in.....

oh nevermind

Huh, you weren't kidding. It took her fucking long enough too - five years between her first and second masters, and then nine for her PhD. What the fuck was she doing?

Apparently she IDs as black too and while I think she is blacker than Shaun King that's not saying much since Shaun is whiter than polarbear cum.

How much you wanna bet the replies are full of cope, telling her not wanting to live and die alive is akshullee brainwashing by society/capitalism/patriarchy/boogeyman?

try to tell them this when they're 25 and they call you a misogynist. they're so retarded they only realize it once all of their eggs are gone.