Let's celebrate "Trans Day of Visibility" by noticing how visibly trans those redditors are

8  2020-03-31 by UnalignedRando


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I feel like new reddit fits pictures of degenerate monstrosities better. It's the equivalent of the website going trans.

When new reddit first came out, it was fun linking it because it gave your profile AIDS and locked you in.

The saddest/funniest is when you sort by controversial

Transnigger already bragging about muh dick

Wonder how that works 😏🤭

to be fair black women are so high t they probably have bigger clits than most white boys


I bet "his" "dick" gets a lot of days of visibility around local middle schools.

A few of them pass, in the sense that they went from ugly men to very ugly women.

Unironically the funniest sub on this website

I don't think it's funny. I think it's incredibly sad and disappointing...

Most trannies are agp perverts, they deserve their self inflicted misery

Yeah I can't really rip on trannies just for being trannies. Show me some retard's hot take about "transbian erasure" or something. I couldn't give a fuck about their selfie sub.

The only posts that are entertaining are the ones where the person gets extremely defensive over suggestions and the ones where the person is very androgynous so the commenters are struggling over which direction to take the hugbox. The generic selfies are meh.

Most of them are white, reap what you sow, etc, etc.

And that's even before you start thinking that 41% of those "people" are going to 41% (that's like math). Then it's hilarious.

The best ones are when the dude looks like a linebacker in drag and the comments are oh you look gorgeous, you almost pass just do this. Dudes in dresses will never not be funny, it's why it's been in entertainment for millennia

Funniest part here is when the tranny get convinced he passes by his online friends. Imagine it taking that confidence IRL and trying to trick someone into sex, or going to an area where you'd better pass if you'd rather not be "culturally enriched", and catching a beating.

Would make a hilarious comedy tbh

Been done. Here's one example (the same guys made a bunch more with the same characters) :


This is only 15 or so years old and these sketches are irl now it's so cool what they can do with technology nowadays

The creators "apologized" and openly regret doing those. But I think it's because they still work, and they moved to the USA so they have to make nice with the woke crowd.

The ones that get triggered by constructive criticism are hilarious. There are several with absolutely wild eyebrows that screech about how they definitely pass with their caveman eyebrows when someone suggests taming that shit. I guess they are too poor for waxing and too lazy to buy tweezers 🤷

Some of these people absolutely mog GC, FDS, and trufemcels. I can see why they get salty.


they're so fat

My posts are demand-influenced. People feel the need to positively influence themselfes from others. The idiot is a part of the social system and as such has a vital part to play in society as he provides the chance for others to look down on him as he's doing such idiotic things. The internet has desensitised the general public. Someone whos erratically yelling things isn't as off-putting as it used to be when the village idiot was doing that job. People demand weird content that is crossing the boarders of social norms. People putting their bathroom usage on social media seem to be what people want to see. Actually, they are weird, much weirder than most of the other content here. As you can see, this content gets upvoted. You may not like it, but this content is satisfying the need for which people come to this subreddit.


  1. Let's celebrate "Trans Day of Visib... - archive.org, archive.today

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all white

Master race indeed XD

even if they look like their online larp, they just come out as fucking hideous lol

This is such a stupid sub. There's no fucking way you're allowed to say "You don't pass." so what's the point? Lmao

It's like /r/rape. They have a rule that you have to say everything is rape (and do the necessary mental gymnastics). Somehow it's even more retarded than /r/AITA (where they simp heavily but at least you're allowed to choose between 2 or 3 standard opinions).

Imagine discovering r slash rape one day and saying "yes this is a good community. I choose to be a part of this"

Pretty sure most of their users didn't choose it. That's kind of the point.

The only 2 on that sub that passed were the asian girl since the guys are already feminine and the black girl turned guy.

In those cases it's less of a "transition" and more embracing what nature gave you.

Brutal but based

Lifeprotip : be a black FTM, save a lot of money on testosterone.

Wait. 4chan said you didn't pass? That's crazy! You're beautiful.

Reddit is officially more retarded than 4chan. Never thought I'd live to see the day.


That dude could be the next Kroc!

Srsly, it could be just a long-haired buff chad trolling and nobody wouldn't be able to tell