CNN host Fareed Zakaria calls for jihad rape of white women

0  2020-03-31 by hornedviper9


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i’m going to guess that didnt happen chief, but don’t let that stop you

you’re on a roll.

hahaha fucking idiots. white people are so naive, "no suh little old me, don't that sound a little contrived for me to have written that?"

FYI, we all talk EXACTLY like Wyatt A. Mann cartoons when nobody else is around, and all hold up black power fists instead of shaking hands because that's Roman colonizer invention. Here you thought that black women had tons of children because of lack of education and socioeconomic conditions, but all our kweens all gots PHD's, it's just to return the favor once we the majority. OBAMA PREDNINT NOW AND GONE BE DA ETERNAL EMPERAH UNTIL HE DEAD.

Take your meds

Listen📢👂up⬆️ kid🔞. This is 🔥🔥Reddit🔥🔥 and I just ⬇️downvoted👎 you. Do you really🙈think🧠🚫 your opinion😂😂 can exist🦄 being so grossly🤢🤮 different (more like wrong😂) to my own?🤦‍♂️Think again edgelord🙅‍♂️ ⚰RIP☠ in✌peace☮ to your karma buddy📉 because that arrow🏹 is gonna be ⬇️down👇 and 🥶blue😱 when I get through with you😂 Perhaps🤔 you should think🧠✌ twice✌ before disagreeing🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️with 🃏🧐me😎🃏


  1. CNN host Fareed Zakaria calls for j... -,*

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