daily reminder that women cant go 5 minutes without seeking attention

2  2020-04-01 by Crowbar-12


That creature burns so much coal she should have smoke coming out of her ears.

10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial bitch. I used to buy crappy quality tools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.


  1. daily reminder that women cant go 5... - archive.org, archive.today

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"oh doctor harvey! it's time for your daily femmping!"

yes honey

Daily reminder that Dr Phil can't go 5 minutes without seeking attention seekers

He gets paid for it. Give me 1/100th of what he makes, and I'll go poke mentally ill people with sticks on camera.

this is so scripted lol

his head shape is built like a knob


That bitch already got the virus........ HIV