Wtf I love r/AgainstHateSubreddits now!

1  2020-04-01 by Goes_Down_on_Women

So I was thinking rly deeply and just realized that AHS does more to promote bigotry and hate than any other subreddit

The terminally online tranny brigade have created a more comprehensive index of bigotry and hate groups than the CIA and SPLC combined; accessible to even the poorest KKK member to use for the reasonable price of $0.00! How truly selfless of them


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. Wtf I love r/AgainstHateSubreddits ... -,

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Sentient 😂😂😂


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bruh this is news to u?

how did u find r/DeuxRAMA then?

Crossposts tbh

I don't remember how I got here, and I still don't really understand it most of the time but I do know that I agree a lot with the sentiment echoed here.

You got roofied by one of the turbo jannies and brought here. Probably touched too.

show us on the doll where the deuxchad touched you

The troid put a finger in my urethra 😩😩 ughhhhhhhhhh yes

I got a PM from a bot saying it detected my autism and inviting me to deuxchat.


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Gay bot this is alt account

They're all white.

Every comment is a hot take.

They make depressed people take the bussy pill.

They made bullying people on Reddit cool 😎

If they were not libertarians I would serious-post on their sub.

I love AHS for not leaving their house for anything other than buying food in order to fight those evil fascists in their invisible internet crusade. They're already doing a better job than the nazis when it comes to separating undesirables from the general population.