Rest in Peace 😭😭

1  2020-04-01 by TrappyIsBae


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S-slur is a f-slur and I want to make tender love to his bussyπŸ’¦ β˜ͺοΈπŸ’¦

You're not on drama, you can actually talk here

I don't want Deux to be banned



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Bitch did I fucking ask you?

Gussy seethe

even being a L and banned from there it was a funny subreddit didn't deserve that ban

reddit's chosen people are being shoah'd so hard right now

πŸ€“πŸ€“ heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. Rest in Peace 😭😭 -,*

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When you're called out for being threatening to women then prove them right by threatening women.

Based and double down pilled

i don’t understand this one, did one of the jannies get caught making poo in another sub?

I think chadmins might just be banning subs based on userbase or subs created by certain users, as OP got a bunch of his subs chucked.

I wish they just dropped the bullshit reasoning like "ban evasion" and just came out and said "yeah this sub is inconvenient for us and might hurt our $$, so we deleted it lol".

The super jannies are trying to recreate kristallnacht, but for gamers

that would actually be a good thing. this current ban, not so much

I think I'm on a naughty list bc I once made /r/BrownsKilledTrillions to get a rightoid on PCM to stop bitching about /r/RedsKilledTrillions It was banned for Holocaust Debial I think. The irony being that I'm Jewish and a large portion of my family tree was wiped out in the Holocaust. I can't even use my Jewish privilege to make fun of journos who took some of the crazier PTSD Jewish schizo stories at face value. 😒 Now every >5 person sub I've made had been banned 😭 See y'all on another account.

I think "ban evasion" is just what they use now when you piss them off and they can't find a legitimate reason to ban you. My account keeps getting suspended for "ban evasion" for subs I'm not banned in.


Very sad day.

Where am I supposed to criticize lesbians with plausible deniability now? smh my head

This is your safe space, friend. Just let it all out πŸ’¦

Lesbians reproduce by aborting their male babies and drowning the straight female ones

Her πŸ‘ body πŸ‘ Her πŸ‘ Choice πŸ‘

Literally any other sub with tranny jannies

Wtf based AHS jannies?

I even had to chastise my own users recently for being lolcows and taking it seriously.

Damn, work a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life

Get FUCKED transphobes πŸ¦€πŸ¦€
