This sub now has more than 8k deuxcels

1  2020-04-01 by agrees2retards

The mods here have been working really hard trying to make this sub grow by adding more rules and banning problematic people (especially if they got on AHS's radar).

And to show how much I appreciate all their hard work, I will give each mod a monetary reward.

Each mod will get double what Reddit pays them a month.

You've earned it.


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I'm moved by your generosity and am willing to match your amount!

We're all in this together, y'all!


I'm in for ten times what everyone else puts in. Let's go everyone!!!

No refunds!

Bernie can still win, right guys?

And so can Jon Snow!

This triggered me to unironically cope rn

You just made me realise that this sub with less than 10k people has 20 mods, half of whom also mod drama.

The Pentagon building probably has fewer jannies, and that thing has 6.5 million sq ft to mop once a week.

We're prepping for hardcore shitpost warfare. Our infrastructure is designed to survive a 100,000,000,000 megabun blast of un-dank memes and false flag cheese pizza, and we've got cable, blackjack, and bussy hookers to boot.

Some even mod SRD, AHS, and top minds. Really makes you think πŸ€”

AHS, and top minds.

I'm sorry to hear they were molested as kids and suffer sexual trauma that makes them crossdress

I think you're confused, my friend. AHS users weren't molested as children. They are the child molesters.

Isn't that how they become child molesters. It's a vicious molesting cycle.

The Chapocels were calling from inside the house

How does that happen

/u/The_Homocracy used to be a basic bitch libmod on TMoR. He was dragged into the vileness of drama and emerged a changed man.

True story

half of whom also mod drama.

taking part in jannytranny discord circlejerk should be grounds for public execution

hope this place doesn't get banned πŸ™ we get fugees from drama and elsewhere but deuxcels will survive

Might be a bit fond for the mods here so agree


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Ok female


oh boy i sure do fear AHS' tendency to post cp to places they dont like! gee looks like i need to be careful and agree with their rampant leftoidery!

jk ahs can suck my testosterone-high diarrhea shit i post whatever the fuck i want (except things unironically supporting troids, simps, egirls, coomers, leftoids, and other degenerates)

t. mdefugee GodKing gigachad thats come to colonize all your bussy memes

Where my brothers at?!

Who tf are you

Just some flairless mong

flairless mong gang

mdefugee GodKing GigaChad. thought i said that already.

Hahaha great post bro, keep it up

cheers king

Wheres the based turk, we need another dooxrama video

And to show how much I appreciate all their hard work, I will give each mod a monetary reward.

don't give this site money retard

Each mod will get double what Reddit pays them a month.


wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. This sub now has more than 8k deuxc... -,

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holy shit you are right... fuck it I'll match you

they really deserve it

my monthly Bernie donation can wait

jannies on suicide watch

I dont ban anyone

This place is the closest thing I would call: a Home.

That's sad

I hate my fucking parents 😠😠

Time to go spend time with my online family instead 😎😎😎

You're going to be evicted for failing to pay rent

Doubt he’s a chapotard

How fucking depressing is that?

please go meet people in real life

In the same sense that Oscar the Grouch lives in a fucking garbage can, sure.

Jannies getting their tendie bonus early 😨😨

hopefully this sub won't get down, this is only good sub to discuss drama on this hellhole of a website

It's really a shame innit


Damn we should have closed the borders. Now we’re gonna have more crime and diseases in the sub

I'll match, the mods deserve it

Yeh bur everyone here is also on an FBI watchlist so.....worth it I guess?

Joe Biden here, be sure to vote for me btw, I just wanted to give my full endorsement to /r/deuxrama for being the furthest slum from Crakka Town I can think of.

Biden 2020 I approve this message

At this point this is just another mde evasion sub.

Delete this nephew
