FBI raids Brooklyn man for hoarding 80,000 N95 masks and selling them at a 700% markup. During the raid he coughs on investigators. Oh man I sure hope this guy isnt...Oh jeez it would be so unfortunate if it turned out this guy was......No I dont want to even go there, thats fucked

1  2020-04-01 by zacharysniper420


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Baruch Feldheim, 43, is facing charges of assault and making false statements to the feds on Sunday outside his Borough Park home where he allegedly peddled and stored massive amounts of N95 respirator masks, federal officials said.

Pure coincidence.


how dare you, you antisemite

hoarding and price gouging are ancient rituals of the CHOSEN.

He was just making sure the next shoa wouldn't work on him, and 80k of his closest friends! What's the problem, goy?

it's not really jews, it's a specific jewish supremacist medieval cult known for not even being human beings and treating everyone like garbage. when you hear about jewish landlords and anti-semitic hate crimes in new york, it's specifically because of the behavior of these "people"

Are you talking about new yorkers?

Everybody Hates Hasids


At this point, you simply have to have a mental deficiency. I don't have time for someone like you. Immature.

Blocked btw


  1. FBI raids Brooklyn man for hoarding... - archive.org, archive.today*

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> Be American

> Cough

> Get arrested

i dont know what gay country you live in but its at least 1000% less free than america. thats on my 100 round drum nigga

also 1000% less fat lol

Easy to do when you're starving.

ok fatty

now im curious, what country are you from fren?

look through my post history lmao, I posted in my city's sub

eagerly waiting for your "MURRRRIGA NUMBA WAN" shart

lmao what kind of fag is active in their local community

you and dilation community

weak and flailing

ok 56%

You live in NEET?

if that's what you wanna believe

It truly is.

Lmfao, you got la creaturas really riled up, watch out that they dont run you over in their mobility-scooters!

don't worry I'll smell their mcdicks infused sweat before they see me

every single time

I blame the mdefugees infestation for this. Stop noticing things you literal nazis.

let me tell you something about sam hyde. i know 1 girl who used to date him and i know the brother of a girl who also used to date him. sam hyde








if thats not sickening enough, he also has bad taste in women.

I'll have you know "Baruch" is a very common name. No reason that guy can't be chinese or native american.

Jews did this

The worst part is he is selling them for a whole .02 cent markup