Dark sorcerers disguise themselves as doctors to infiltrate Indian slum. Local mob sees right through their scheme and chase them out

1  2020-04-01 by extremelybased


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i like the handy pile of rubble for on-demand stonings

very innovative

How else can you drive away the false "medical" Rakshasas, except to give them head trauma as a lesson for their arrogance?

India didnt become the worlds newest superpower for nothing! 🛣💩-pride 🇳🇪

Absolutely disgusting. These people clearly want to die from the coronavirus, and these so-called "medical professionals" need to respect their wishes. If they want to die, let them die. Their body, their choice.

Why are they attacking them? I don't speak street shitter.

wow this faggot did something funny for once 👌👌😄


  1. Dark sorcerers disguise themselves ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Superpower by 2020.

Shitting on the streets + shit education + worshipping cows + rape + "send bobs and vagene" =

Is this an Islamic neighborhood?

let allah take the wheel