Mastermind finds a way to inconspicuously sniff ladies’ undergarments in public

1  2020-04-02 by extremelybased


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Not a fetish bro!

You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong. Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.


  1. Mastermind finds a way to inconspic... -,

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One of his other posts:

I am 62, and have been on HRT for 22 months.

What a brave and stunning lady!! Cissies jealous

very cute and valid, boyes

Old spice.

joe biden is 77, not 62.

It's not a fetish

Make sure it’s nice and saturated in blood so it’s guaranteed no one goes near you

I'd rather be a virgin forever than do this degeneracy.



Why would you use the black hand emojis 🤮

Cuz even my phone don't associate wit mayos, bruh

Eww a mayo! out out out!

So, these are the people who are hoarding the pads!!




what's a Coronavirus?

and this will help you not get infected by corona?


Save us, Corona-Chan