If you have a child it's probably going to grow up to be a tranny

1  2020-04-02 by A4HighQualityPaper

Society has one or 2 generations left tops. This is what happens when we give women the vote


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Thank God I'm a 39 year old virgin who lives in my moms basement, and subsists on pizza rolls.

Like every other dramatard. So no kids for me.

Clean your room, go to the gym, get a job, and say "nigger" online. Or something else productive that contributes to society idk.

You can do it king.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Autistic screeching intensifies

Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. If you have a child it's probably g... - archive.org, archive.today

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If that happens I'll make it look at the flowers.


I'll raise them right, teach them to handle guns, make improvised explosives, keep them safe, teach them about the weak and the strong (AHS users and Deuxchads, that is), have a military-style daily regime.

I'll make them alphas. All of them. And they'll serve all that is BASTE.

teach them to handle guns

i guess that guarantees they won’t be troons, if they accidentally shoot themselves at age 7

It's a win-win situation. Either they get to defend themselves against degenerate society, or they commit an act of self-cleansing if they get taken. My plan is genius although I say so myself.

Problem is, there’s also a good chance the degenerate they accidentally shoot is you

If what is based wills it, they'll will it. So be it. The emptying of my throne for a new MDEfugee DeuxChad to sit on would be well deserved if it came to that point.

Sounds more like the better course of action would be to kill you and your family.

I'm raising a baste family no matter what you say. You'll just have to C O P E

Hey bigot troons are supposed to start transitioning by age 3 now .

Hey prolife religious fanatic. How can you start at age 3 when life begins at age 12 you bigot nazi.

Excuse me """xir""" but the only religion I follow is the worship of bussy. Also of course I am well aware that life begins at 12. Many of my kindred epsteinians make sure to abort their playthings before they ripen and gain sentience at that age .

Xir!? I go by the pronouns they/them, you absolute Hitler

So you want them to become school shooters

sends them to majority black school


excuse me why would they want to shoot up their own training camp?

Without the cap doe, I shouldnt exclude the possibility that they might rightly find it necessary to do irrational things despite being rational people. I am no mastermind, I am merely equipping them to execute their will, and I will have taught them that the will of what is baste is the will of themselves. So if what's baste wills it, they will it, and if they will it, they'll manifest it. I may not understand it as I grow older because they'll surely grow far baster than I have, but it is not my business to understand.

It's my business to piss and shit so the jannies have to clean it up.

cope virgin

>he's not raising his little schizo squad out of his own children


You can't protect them from islam 🙌🙌

What do you mean "protect"? The only three words they'll say when asked what drives them forward in life will be "ALLAH, SURIYA, BASHAR!"

But fr tho im raising them Christian, with a big focus on reading and analyzing the book of Job inbetween tactical exercises and learning about society and the insidious human. Don't ask why.

Absolutely based brozzer 👑👑.

Job is a good book to look at. Show's that life is hard and don't give up things can get better. There is some based wisdom in religion but I'm not a fan of the random magic lmao.

Call of Drama: Ghosts

I'd like to also give my children some acting skills so they can make this a film with your suggested title. It'll have moderately sized explosions and realistic gunfights with that epic blank round sound that'll make Heat look like a joke. But knowing my skills it'd probably turn into some MDE-type shit. Not that MDE is bad acting, in fact Sam, Nick, and Charls are great actors, especially Nick. It's just that no one would understand it and it'd get labeled "alt-right" or some shit.

Sounds like that American dad episode where Steve turned insane. I wish you the best of luck 🙇‍♂️

Like a marine? Hell no! I'm not gonna raise them on some regular line infantry bullshit. I'm raising them like your favourite elite forces westerners can't pronounce: Erikoisrajajääkärit

Was thinking Spetsnaz at first but idk much about their training routine. I considered SAS for a while until I noticed that I'd give them too much freedom at a young age to make tactical judgement calls and such, maybe when they're past 25 it'll work but I think I'd be too old by then plus I can't really acquire stinger missiles and such for combat simulation/arms training. Firework launcher as an APILAS simulator is as good as it gets in the DeuxCHAD civilian special schizo forces child unit.

hyvät voimikset :D hommaa muija iha ensi

kiitos veli. baseroitu ja Suomipill-ed. en tarvitse muija juuri nyt, olen niin nuori että se on arvoton keskityä muijiin kun isompia ongelmia on.

(note to self: i really need to get better at this language if i intend to read the manual of arms for brigades that aren't rannikkojääkäri or some other swefinfag brigade with a swedish arms manual. being a swefinfag is cool and all untill you're trying to create superhuman offspring that must be a perfect representation of the general populace of their nation. patriotic symbols that don't serve a sheltered elite. damn if i gotta teach the younguns what drakan taught everyone in 9 months)

ändå, kung e du mannen, kung e du t. swefinfag with big plans

What is 'POTing'?

Post Orgasm Torture. It's pretty funny tbh.



I'll raise them right inshallah, teach them to handle jihad, make improvised explosives (allahu akbar), keep them safe from the kaffir, teach them about the halal and the haraam (Arabs and Persians, that is), have a military-style daily regime.

I'll make them mujihadeen. All of them. And they'll serve all that is TAQI.

Imagine being worse than dogs and still blaming women.

Today's males are so low.

I am a white French male



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You're a DeuxTARD.

this being downvoted is gigacope

Imagine seething about upvotes and downvotes 😂😂😂

imagine upvoting or downvoting at all

if you look at objective reality you're the problem


so that's why white females fuck dogs... we're simply worse than them

Thank you for clearing this up for me, kind redditor!

Thats only if you raise them like shit. First step would be to ban them from going on reddit,tumblr,twitter and discord

I feed my kids a Deuxrama-only diet.

So they become faggots instead of trannies. Good choice


If you're a man: Avoid the insidious women who've had many men before you. Embrace the only true love: the love between men. Genuine and loyal.

If you're a woman: Save yourself from the coomer beast that is the modern man. Don't change your boundaries, or standards, to succumb to this savage. And never let go of your virginity, your innocence, to someone who intends to betray you by pretending to love other women just like he did to you, just for coochie he probably won't get. The loneliest simp shouldn't have your shoulder to cry on, and the most overconfident Brad must suffer the punishment of your rejection. Only other females will feel the same pain you do, unlike the distant and unattached males.

Despite their Christian upbringing my successors will know the truth of dating, and learn to ignore their primal urges, just as I do, except in the case that more successors must be produced. The Greeks were right about heterosexuality. Volcel/ace, homo, or bust.

I forced my white wife to join Islam 🧕 and I give my kids daily beatings. I think I'm on the safe side, alhamduallah ☪️


I hate you

it's good to see seetheposters being honest about their seething nowadays

I'd love to see those stats controlling for blackness.

So? Think about how good video games are gonna be 2 generations from now

53% BPD moms on suicide watch

Gonna pull a my flair and live out in the woods. I would join the Amish but that's gay haha

Not if you beat the tranny out of them


who says the trannies can't be lesbians with feminine penises and impregnate their butch lovers? this is our future.