Oy vey *COUGH* the anti-Semitic *COUGH* FBI *COUGH* just stole all my medical masks *COUGH COUGH*

1  2020-04-02 by agrees2retards


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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You're not a femboy, you're a sissy slut with a god complex, go back to your dildos and your fantasies you fat fuck, and leave me alone.


  1. Oy vey COUGH the anti-Semitic *CO... - archive.org, archive.today

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My girlfriend doesn’t believe me that you can tell a Jew from a non Jew.

My jewdar only betrayed me a few times. It's accurate in about 99 out of 100 cases.

Oy vey. He's a good boy. He was going to donate them to the hospital for a reasonable price ;)

Jews am I right fellow redditoids