Again, men > women

1  2020-04-02 by agentsmitherino


Stoicism > overly emotional.

Marcus Aurelius-pilled

Hell yeah, and Seneca

pre-19th amendment > 19th amendment.

The boomer doctor vs the zoomer RN

If you want to find the nurse at a doctor or dentist's office tell a joke. The woman that doesn't laugh is the nurse.

TFW you think nurses work at dental offices

Imagine going to the dentist

Bro did you just dox me wtf πŸ₯΅

Lmao just use mouthwash

The fucks up with her teeth?

Betel nut abuse. It’s some sort of psychedelic.

Psychoactive, it's a stimulant

So munching on that shit turns your teeth black? 🀒

LMAO just use toothpaste nigga. Like how the fuck is tooth decay real hahahah

t. British people

T. Bongcel

He’s Silent Generation. They are generally much more honorable people since they grew up before/during World War II and know what hard times are

You realize that the boomers are the way they are because of their parents, hopefully.

Boomers were mostly born to greatest generation

Any children a now 85 year old had before 30ish would have been boomers.

That dude is way beyond being a boomer

thats a millennial

She looks much older than Z. She's FDS Wine aunt material

Lemme learn you this. Nurses are fucking retarded. Back in late February I had one of my nurses argue with me that it was just a flu. They are so fucking stupid and can't do shit without a doctor. If a nurse asks for a raise, my director tells them to go a day without me.

This meme is can be more accurately described as the difference in mindset between a physician and a nurse. The people in healthcare most consistently obsessed with demanding hero worship are nurses.

The only people all over my social media posting about #healthcareheroes or whatever other bullshit hashtag are the baby RNs.

It's because all of the bitch doctors get weeded out way before they hit the hospitals. The suicide rate at med school is fucking insane. The shit that doctors have to go through is fucked. My niece just graduated with 500k in debt and still has to spend atleast 4 years to become a family medicine doctor.

500k in debt and going into FM

RIP to her. She's going to be paying that back for ages.

Also, yeah plenty of early med students want to be recognized as heros/altruistic but med school will beat that out of you eventually by taking constant dumps on you intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically. Shit sucks.

The largest nae-nae they took on her was making her take a semester class on "patient interaction" where they tried to tell her doctors should be an emotional stress ball for shitty patients. Luckily she got jaded already and doesn't take any patients shit.

It's extremely offensive to pay so much money for a class to tell you that you should just take everyone's shit. Idk what's up with med schools being so toxic about poor patient behavior. You don't see nursing school teaching nurses that they should allow patients to treat them like garbage.

I find nurses to be among the highest per cap professions for annoying attention seekers but they have way more patient interaction in places like the ICU.

My mom spent the better part of 6 months in there, you just deal with nurses way more. All the autistic Asian doctors would come in, puke all over themselves and move on. I guess it’s just easier to coach them to be stoic rather than normal.

It wasn’t till My dad learned to push back to everything and do our homework that we actually got good care.

The American education system is truly formidable.

tbf you are pimpin pretty hard as a doctor within the hospital, I can see why they wouldent need any more praise.

serious posting πŸ™„

i would fuck both. this is equality

also: fuck off incel lol

Imagine telling an incel to do anything involving fucking lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

your right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hight five πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ are you a female per chance? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

How dare you. I'm a chadtradtroid. Treat me with the respect I deserve. 😀😀

no idea what thi shit means and i live really f ar from detroid so no chance πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ have a nice day πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This is the internet, no women here, but there is the occasional tranny thot.

have sex

pretty good life advice actually

I would personally like more hunky male nurses and less morbidly obese nurses.

Volcel if you won't

nice cock bro. a little on the small side, but the shape is overall pretty symmetrical, and your balls have just the right amount of hair.


  1. Again, men > women -,

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srspost 😴😴😴😴😴

link to the original tweet, this shit is pure seething

Yes how dare she refuse to work when the minimum security meassures that are in normal times obligatory for her job are absent, how dare she not suck it up and let patients abuse her. She should be more like Dr Il Wagerinno from Italy who let himself getting cucked to death while millonaire politicans are in the safety of their mansions but hey he saved a lot of geriatric lives who can now resume their productive and happy lives shitty themselves at a nursing home, what a good goy I mean what a hero!

Female detected

You're all fucking idiots, doctors are dying not due to a lack of courage but due to HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NOT STAFFING APPROPRIATE PPE.

This isn't isn't a gender thing this is people making bad decisions and others dying because of it.

If you’re a medic then you know that nurses bitch too much.

And Medics don't? You understand people younger then you are on a ventilator?

I mean yeah they do, but nurses get nurse pay, proceed to bitch about said pay, and then bitch about the stupid medics that brought them patients.

I don’t think you understand, I don’t give a shit about some kid on a vent. What makes it different from any other time a kid is on a vent? People get sick and die, it comes with the territory.



No I'm just a paramedic and what you're saying is retarded and not true. Learn from your mistakes.

Seethe x24

I too am a paramedic here to say corona-Chan didn’t yell at the nurse, the nogs in the ED did and are almost always belligerent.

I'm calling you a retard and making fun of you, no ones seething lil bud.




Dude the post was about fuck roasties not about federal gov

Imagine defending a woman lol


Stop projecting

You simp. Okay Homer SIMPson. You absolute simpanzee. OOO OOO OO OO EE EE OO πŸ’ <- that is you. You are nothing but sludge . You are putrid muck given form, weakness personified. I am not sympathetic. You are simp pathetic.