Most are. The two main disinfectants used in liquid form are isopropyl and ethyl alcohol (60-80% recommended for maximum effectiveness, usually 70%). Ethyl alcohol doesn't smell as bad, and is less aggressive for your skin. Some people tend to retch or have coughing fits when exposed to isopropanol.
40-50% will light on fire. That's used in cooking. It's hard to see on that short video, but sometimes looking at the flame (color and shape) can help ballparking the alcohol content.
Even if it's 90% ethanol, he chugged the equivalent of two bottles of whisky. Of course the outcome depends on his tolerance, but it might not do permanent damage (provided he gets medical attention quickly).
If it's methanol : goodbye eyesight (and maybe life). Isopropanol : my only question is if his death is going to count as black on black crime.
It's a best case scenario. Some chemicals you don't want to vomit (bleach) because it could make them foam, and cause chemical burns to your airways (on top of the ones you already have to your digestive tract).
Alcohols don't offer that problem, so puking would help. But it tends to be absorbed quite quickly, and some disinfectants are made with alcohols that are very poisonous (methyl or isopropyl, instead of ethyl, which is the one that can be consumed).
So even at smaller doses (one or two shots) he might lose his eyesight and have lifelong nerve and organ damage, and that's if he survives. Even if he pukes 3/4ths of it quickly.
If it's ethyl alcohol and he pukes most of it he'll have a bad hangover (worst case would be alcohol poisoning but it's easier to deal with, if he gets medical help).
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-03
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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4 Sardinops 2020-04-03
I always wondered how those blind subway saxophonists and blues singers were created. Cool to see such a rare event captured on video.
2 Goes_Down_on_Women 2020-04-03
This kills the mayo. Blacks are better entertainers. What are mayos good at besides being cucks and raping kids?
2 ovolebron 2020-04-03
Exactly, this only makes the negro stronger
1 briksauce 2020-04-03
War and science for sure.
1 1262663748488484 2020-04-03
Exactly. Nigga is probably being treated in the hospital rn in the white mans tax money😎
2 Cel9099 2020-04-03
He fr dead unless he went to the hospital
2 arsepirate69 2020-04-03
2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-03
1 demotecontrol 2020-04-03
The fact that someone even had to write this article is proof that as a species, humanity deserves death.
1 ductile_to_brittle 2020-04-03
Some hand sanitizers are ethanol
2 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
Most are. The two main disinfectants used in liquid form are isopropyl and ethyl alcohol (60-80% recommended for maximum effectiveness, usually 70%). Ethyl alcohol doesn't smell as bad, and is less aggressive for your skin. Some people tend to retch or have coughing fits when exposed to isopropanol.
2 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-04-03
Is that rubbing alcohol? You can't just post this without a source, OP
1 SmoothBeetle 2020-04-03
By now it’s probably all acetone
1 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-04-03
By now I still want the god darn original video not some shitty nonsesically cropped version.
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-03
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-03
homosexuals reproduce by raping kids
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1 SureKale2 2020-04-03
1 boyoyoyoyong 2020-04-03
Did he join the pickup game in the sky
1 ovolebron 2020-04-03
No he cured the rona
2 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
No virus can hurt him now.
1 herbalmethtea 2020-04-03
1 Soviet_Samuelson 2020-04-03
Consensual genocide
1 PORTMANTEAU-BOT 2020-04-03
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1 donaldslabia 2020-04-03
Finally, you've been useful.
1 Schr1mpy 2020-04-03
He's dead unless that stomach gets pumped.
3 Chapose 2020-04-03
If you die from that much you a pussy
2 Schr1mpy 2020-04-03
If it ain't Henny I'm not having it
1 Angelofsmoke 2020-04-03
I've done that before. It's a shit ton but usually that stuff is heavily diluted so he'll probably just vomit it up.
1 habeshamuscle 2020-04-03
It's 70% isopropanol. He's dead unless he goes to the hospital.
1 Angelofsmoke 2020-04-03
Oh yeah he's fucked then
1 habeshamuscle 2020-04-03
I'd say he might have taken one of the bottles from CVS and replaced it with something else but he proved it with the little flame in the begging.
1 DilateTheCaliphate 2020-04-03
Could have replaced it with ethanol no?
1 ANAL_McDICK_RAPE 2020-04-03
wtf do you think happens when you down half a litre of ethanol
1 DilateTheCaliphate 2020-04-03
Bad shit but not nearly as bad as isopropyl. It also doesn't need to be 100% to light on fire.
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
40-50% will light on fire. That's used in cooking. It's hard to see on that short video, but sometimes looking at the flame (color and shape) can help ballparking the alcohol content.
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
Even if it's 90% ethanol, he chugged the equivalent of two bottles of whisky. Of course the outcome depends on his tolerance, but it might not do permanent damage (provided he gets medical attention quickly).
If it's methanol : goodbye eyesight (and maybe life). Isopropanol : my only question is if his death is going to count as black on black crime.
1 isohans 2020-04-03
1 GameUpBoyHustleHardr 2020-04-03
Famous last words
1 most_slotted_floppy 2020-04-03
Lmao. Based.
1 SeaofAltWhites 2020-04-03
DAS RITE, move over if you got that rona nigha!
1 inceltiers2 2020-04-03
wouldnt he just vomit that shit up
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
It's a best case scenario. Some chemicals you don't want to vomit (bleach) because it could make them foam, and cause chemical burns to your airways (on top of the ones you already have to your digestive tract).
Alcohols don't offer that problem, so puking would help. But it tends to be absorbed quite quickly, and some disinfectants are made with alcohols that are very poisonous (methyl or isopropyl, instead of ethyl, which is the one that can be consumed).
So even at smaller doses (one or two shots) he might lose his eyesight and have lifelong nerve and organ damage, and that's if he survives. Even if he pukes 3/4ths of it quickly.
If it's ethyl alcohol and he pukes most of it he'll have a bad hangover (worst case would be alcohol poisoning but it's easier to deal with, if he gets medical help).
1 DownvoterAccount 2020-04-03
Trump did this
1 SchnupfStaffel 2020-04-03
(((They))) told him it would cure him
2 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
For once (((they)))'re doing a good deed.
1 CameronSins 2020-04-03
1 AutoModerator 2020-04-03
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1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-04-03
1 ImagineBeingAChapo 2020-04-03
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1 hannukahlover 2020-04-03
It's eithet Methanol (makes you unalive) or ethanol mixed with chemicals (makes you really sick).
Why didn't he just use some really strong vodka or grain alcohol?
1 ArizonaBartholomew 2020-04-03
Are you retarded? Drinkable alcohol won't kill the virus hon.
1 hannukahlover 2020-04-03
I never claimed it did.
1 ThousandPierHike 2020-04-03
Ye u did bruh. No lie
1 hannukahlover 2020-04-03
Send proof.
1 ThousandPierHike 2020-04-03
Are u retarded or something?
1 hannukahlover 2020-04-03
1 ThousandPierHike 2020-04-03
1 ArizonaBartholomew 2020-04-03
Why would he try to cure rona with an alcohol that won't kill it r tard
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
Could be isopropyl too (but that's mostly in professional settings). But he'd still die.
1 SmoothBeetle 2020-04-03
I think you are more likely to come around isopropyl in the type of bottle than methanol.
1 ArizonaBartholomew 2020-04-03
Niggers are so based please breed me isochan
1 1262663748488484 2020-04-03
dont be racist dont be racist dont be racist dont be racist dont be racist dont be racist
1 iamlem 2020-04-03
Very smart man, I hope to become this smart one day F
1 UnalignedRando 2020-04-03
I hope it's methanol or isopropanol.
2 AutoModerator 2020-04-03
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1 Peeb00 2020-04-03
That’s water and acting but still cringe as fuck