Am I a child for consuming children's products? Redditors seethe at fake story

1  2020-04-03 by haha_yeah_kys


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this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


  1. Am I a child for consuming children... -,

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Why even include the archives snappy?

YTA, you should have told her directly to her face for maximum shaming.



YTA. Big time. People are allowed to enjoy activities

Why do they always talk like this?

They haven't interacted with anyone irl that's why

Like i said this quarantine didn't cause any change in the average redditor social life.

Reddit is a deep state A.I. experiment that is failing

Libertarianism is a symptom of brain rot.

Twitter not only rewards, but explicitly demands short, punchy replies devoid of substance. Capeshit is written almost entirely in marketable one liners. Facebook is designed to favor eye catching sass that you like as you endlessly scroll through the parade of garbage.

It's the same mindset that makes people take meaningless nonsense as gospel if it was said by someone with great name recognition, except thanks to social media everyone has name recognition. Everything is designed to be a quote you can put on your designer backpack.

Based and blackpilled.

Its like the counter to all things

Just let us enjoy our guns/vagina-gouges/socialism/8 child wives

YTA. I’m 40 and still wear jeans, t-shirts with fandoms on them, and converse. Those are all classic, not childish. I hate, hate, hate slacks/button-ups/sensible shoes because they are boring and ugly as hell in my opinion, but I don’t look down upon those who do wear them. If that’s what they like and how they are most comfortable, so be it.

Oh my god

soy boy

I know exactly what he looks like

how fat are we talking here?

prior to this, i had the smallest belief that these people were somewhat similar.

No longer.

Anyone who doesnt wear biz casual for day to day is worse than the simp. Of course you wear biz casual for a bbq, where did they think they were going, swimming in the ocean? Even when swimming you can rock a polo with boardshorts. Where do these people get these ideas that some semblance of attire is to be mocked? Disgrace.

Didn't they go to cotillion in grade school?